Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Daddy

They say Mama's Baby - Pappa's Maybe
My relationship with my son is gravy
With my daughter shady
And I hate the separating
And I'm not celebrating
On how they undervalue the role of a father
In the child's life
It's so easy to play me
My father took care of his wife's kids
And neglected to raise me
I ain't let it phase me
I used to see my granddaddy daily
And he taught me to do for self
And I was alone with him as he took his last breath
I stepped into another existence
And insist that a daddy has to be persistent
A parent is for direction
And a grand parent is for wisdom
If one is missing then one is missing
They'd be a lot less niggas in gangs and prison
If their daddy's would have played their position
They getting they sagg on to get your attention
That it's depressing when daddy's gone

Hear the pain in the songs
Little man child getting his "I'm Grown" on
Cause their daddy ain't home
But only when we dead and gone
Should we have to stand strong alone
And I pray my seeds keep me in their hearts
And spark some kind of light in societies' thoughts
Cause we are not expendable
A father's an intricate part of every individual

I swear they try to deny how important it is for me
To be in the life of my kids
I need more respect that to just be a check
I wasn't just a dick is what I say in retrospect
As she roll her neck
We roll and flick
Our seeds love us both
Why make them pick
Its this type of shit that makes us sick
Roll around paranoid with full clips
Sick of your lips

After 9 months of waiting
To see the sex that I gave it
Stuck around
I can't trust the ultra sound
If we ain't married then I'm at the birth
By permission
Under specific conditions
And no petitions can change this position
I've been wishing to see standard traditions
But it's hard to push for any of the above
If the love is missing
I mean I have love for her
But not in love with her
And since she ain't getting what she wants
She makes it difficult for me to be in the picture
See I'm prepared for the new mister
To come and give you a sister or brother
And I recognize his is only in my child's life
Because of his relationship with my seed's mother
Our children have to know we love them
Male or female
Kiss 'em and hug 'em
Not only show them but tell them
You love 'em
I put plenty of time in with mine
Don't stress your mind
You see the signs
And it ain't gon change at no time
You'll alwyas hear the same line
Don't be mad at us "B"
All the little children that have us in their lives say
"I want my daddy"