Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Thursday, March 31, 2011

When The Present Can Not

There are times
When the best things come from bad judgement
And Times when the future explains
What the present sometimes
Can not

Monday, March 21, 2011

X Chromosome

Her mortality confused her purity
To me the venom
Is the ability to perish
And or to kill

Will or spirit amplified through one thing we all share

Her defiance allows us to stand for something
As we were all female first then received our sex
Although we run from the sensitivity

Love is not feminine
War is not masculine

Conflict is asexual
Vey intellectual and needed for advancing
The balance of reason
With the eloquence of speech
Adds to confusion

Our weaknesses turn us to agreement
Looking for like minds
So we can hide inside of our commonality

Its this very weakness
That opens us up for exploitation
And imitation in admiration

But no progress shall come from duplication
Unless the duplication is the desire to create
Or the desire to do something better
To be greater than we ever were
Or greater than we ever have been

See the sin comes from thinking
The people are ignorant
It's apparent in their choices
Their actions in private
How they lust for wealth and glamor
And how they hate to work for anything

How they ask you for your opinion
But really only want you to tell them
They did a good job
Or that they were interesting
When really they were boring
And most people do not pay attention to them

See on the stage
They try to become comfortable with the attention
But they were never popular
Rarely were accepted
Always wanted to be accepted
And thought because you were popular
This feeling is what you had all along

Whereas popularity
Brings too much familiarity
Because someone knows of you
They sometimes create these relationships
Between you and them that only exist in their world
A world you are not privy to
But you are a part of none the less
I guess

This X

Being the basis of our structure
Our life
Like an elder's advice seldom adhered to

Like all of the life problems
We all go through
The unpredictability of whats coming next

Like what do you believe in more
God or sex
And I say that for people
Who sex more than they pray
And then look confused at how their life got that way

Don't believe it when they say
They want a man that is strong
They want a man that will follow
Their lead
Their program
Their advice

The world likes to make the strong men pay
Their truth
Their conscience
Their belief
Is not welcome

And they will punish you

Be unjust to you in front of peers
Show the other workers the price to pay for disobedience
Look what you conscience got you this time Kelechukwu
No vacation
No employment
No pay

And what can I say
Do you think I don't ned the money
Do you think I don't accumulate debt
Do you think I eat for free
I just don't let the world see what comes over me

Family don't give a damn
They want their money
Family would rather house, cloth and feed a stranger
Than assist you in any way
I guess you have had your day

And any time you accomplish anything
They have the smiley face
But I never forget my place
Nor forget that its not my place

We are all on a fine timeline defined by the X

See I was on a quest
To find something we all shared
So we could all come together
Have some common ground

Well consider the common ground found
Things may really be worse than they appear

Because it appears that commonly

None of us really cares

Her mortality confused her purity
To me the venom
Is the ability to perish
And or to kill

Will or spirit amplified through one thing we all share

Her defiance allows us to stand for something
As we were all female first then received our sex
Although we run from the sensitivity

Love is not feminine
War is not masculine

Conflict is asexual
Vey intellectual and needed for advancing
The balance of reason
With the eloquence of speech
Adds to confusion

Our weaknesses turn us to agreement
Looking for like minds
So we can hide inside of our commonality

Its this very weakness
That opens us up for exploitation
And imitation in admiration

But no progress shall come from duplication
Unless the duplication is the desire to create
Or the desire to do something better
To be greater than we ever were
Or greater than we ever have been

The End

Mind Control

You can not control my thoughts
My mind is a weapon

Truth vs Love

The love of truth vs the truth of love is
Your heart betrays your mind
To save you from pain
That never goes away anyway

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Night Watcher

Hajjimus Prime - Night Watcher
Inspiring poetry by
Kelechukwu Brnfre

I saw my eyes dim
Headlights reflected off of New Tims
Alley Rocks getting Kicked and sold
The streets so cold
The street light illuminate what the streets hold
Everyone's worst fear
Is what's coming this year
I-65 connect respect
Genetics and wisdom prophetics
My poetry energetic
Over beats kinetic
See, You leave the G
But the G don't leave you
Over Dosed
Ode to Dilla
Delaney to Do' Milla
5th Av to 94
Turn corners slow
Now you know how we hold
Born under the same area code
Coding areas read and blue
Left and right respectfully
Started in the G
Going world wide
Cause the wide world just got slim
Hustals got a new anthem
As we enhancing the planet
Damn it
Don't take my people for granted
If it can be done
We can do it together
Won't get consumed
As we watch the moon
Turn to the sun
As we refuse to loose
And keep shining like one
The road has just begun
Reflecting my light as I write
Nod your head up and down
In agreement that the beats' nice
Here's some free advice
Keep watching us
As we bring thoughts to life
Some meaning from knowledge born
Until we pay the ultimate price
With our life
We can still go on
Eternally in your dome
My mind is double action automatic
And much more lethal than your chrome
Hajj- let your beat take 'em home
The Night Watcher

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Ugliest Of Them All

What type of person uses their influence against what they produce
Forces a child into a situation of confusion for personal gain
I won't speak your name or of this again
I'm going to leave it alone as you will be in the end
You can't be friends with the wicked
Inherited her genes naturally
For generations this has been their demonstration
Glad I got it clear before I moved into another area of life
Never wanted that in my life as a wife
Gave the benefit of the doubt
So I wont pout
I never had that much invested in your character
Children are soldiers
But the should not be placed at war in their homes
The smile of the jackal deceiving at most
Host of the fury of the future
Who has a history of deceit
She gets no respect anymore
A classic, won't be a house anything
If there is a door she leaving it open as well as her options to get out of it
Personal goals of yours supposed to be better than mine
I'm dreaming and you are a visionary
Nothing to talk about in private, legendary
Mediocrity so nothing major gone
They just traumatizing my seed in their home
But any seed of mine is going to be strong
And no matter what wrong is being done
They can't buy his love
They can't replace his scholarship with fun
So they enroll you in athletics
And they give you second rate education
I was preparing you for greatness
Time will come when they will have too much on their hands
Then you can come here and become a man
No men in your midst to judge from
No backbone in your home
Weak one when you visit her mom
Nothing but a lot of noise and no direction
But I will prepare
One day when the story is told of how they fold over in corners
To bend and pretend so they can get what they want in the end
No church can contain this strain of amoral choral
They think they are beautiful
But the are the ugliest of them all
No admiration for the bed they sleep in
Or the company they keep
Keep one eye open before they poison the other
Still you will discover
Its not even worth the time I put into this poem
Glad that mess is gone and its clear to others what I always knew
There is no limit to what they will take people through
To get what they are trying to do
These are the type of people that need to take classes in person
So they can off the extra curricular to ensure they pass
Nobody rides for free
And nothing is out of the question to make it
If she got it you can take it
If she is getting something in return
Its going to be