Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Saturday, November 19, 2011

She exists in me

Asymmetrical to the heavens walking in flesh and the sun bearing children inside of tears of joy
The universe emptied its energy into a cosmos and reminded me life is worth living still
Her beauty reproduced in the eyes and whispers of envious limbs that support other women
Trying to be a part of some sort of Divine order in a godless world is where I met her
In the brief moments that divide seconds before they cluster into time infinitum
I was reminded that a human can reach the levels of angels and hang in the clouds effortlessly
As long as the vision is pure and from the soul and leveled with the fear of our mortality
Understanding that time is slow and fast and a man made concept of how to capture moments
So time is not real, sleep is not real, I recognize neither when she and I are intertwined
Apart from her I look at the sun and moon when I wake and gaze at our eyes past reflection
My senses magnified by anticipation of the thought of the scent of the wind passing her skin
The study of the stimulation of the memory of the nerves delivery from the touch of a single lash of her eye
The earth rotates its axis back and forth to move the wind as she bends
Immeasurable is her affect on this planet as her menstruation keeps the sky regular and cleansed
Her past belief in other guys lies reassure the hope of some truth coming in this reality
Where hustlers pass blame to those hustled for not recognizing they were being played
Where the power of love and dedication make trust a five letter word that equals to blindness
I respect her minds decisions as well as her body's reaction to outside influences
So her aborted fetuses resupply the pool for old souls so new life can continue
Her open eyes show the optimism of anything being possible as recuperation from any pain
I have licked her wounds with her and offered my vulnerability to her as a strength by submission
And I am not submissive
I have just learned follow the natural order of my head and listen twice as much as I speak
Her interpretation of my life's past delivery shows me why I have not been fruitful
Mainly because I have not been truthful or faithful to anyone or my self
She radiates and illuminates my dark thoughts until they no longer exist
She is an amalgamation of thoughts and experiences of every woman that has pass before me
Spoke to, hugged, loved or hated me, engaged me and or ignored me
I created these ideas inside of a vacuum of loneliness when it was her that showed me
There has always been a difference between being lonely and being alone
Being alone can give me more time to reflect on myself and just breathe and listen to what the earth is saying
It can also be a reality for me even when I am in a committed relationship because there is no communication
So many couples look so good on paper but inside they are unhappy
She has shown me happiness once again past the gossip of insecure women and effeminate men
The closeness of a good woman is the equivalence of a very great friend that wants whats best for you
She is not a sexual object for your pleasure never to be served and never to be pleased
Every time she serves me I try to serve her right back but better, longer and stronger
I won't fall into the cycle and wait for her to initiate before I participate again
I'll let her know that I have been waiting on her and how important she has been in my life using words not just actions
I've been thinking about her and how I would show her I have missed her since she was last in my presence with words and actions
I want to embrace her in a way physically, mentally and spiritually to show her my incompleteness without her
How I like to kiss her so softly that every groove on her fingerprint is a loving labyrinth
Leading to the rest of her body's bounty and no matter where my face finds itself
My eyes and my attention are deeply imbedded into the sight of her as she lay in my arms thoroughly satisfied that I exist in her
And my behavior when I am in places alone should reflect how much she exists in me...
Constantly connecting through the universe monitoring my actions that she is more important to me than any mistake I would need to apologize for
And I am strong enough to not allow anyone to take away or interrupt the sanctity where we last left and my body has her last touch
So even in my demise the last time that I would rise and fall would be in and for her so she would always retain the last of me
As I would hold my last intimate moments with her for my infinity
In heaven as in the earth - she'd exist in me