It is as if they want you to think that I do not exist
A black man that thinks before he speaks
Writes and expresses his intellect before his sex
Never stands on pompousness because I know I need you
There always has to be an us for there to be a me
Trunk, limbs and shared roots of the same tree
Whether I am self made or degreed
The world would like for you to believe I am a myth
I do not brag about taking care of my responsibilities
Because they are my responsibilities, period
I may not smile as much as would make some comfortable
A lot of people just are not comfortable when a black man is serious
Curious if there is something going on in my head
Why yes, all of the time
I believe in progress
Differentiating my self from the next
Keeping this in context
I am everywhere
There is no time that the world has not known me
I created time so I am older than it
Wasting a lot of it, my descendants may not reflect our true purpose
But that does not negate my impact on the planet
All histories lead to my love for humanity
And self destruction may have come from my vanity
My desire to trust the undeserving
Underserved by a planet that is still learning how to love me openly
As I am still learning how to love my self privately
And a lot of the world is watching my destruction silently
I am you, all of you
Even though I may not make headlines in papers and periodicals
The prodigal son I have always been
And I have always treated you like we were kin
My sin no worse than other men
I am just extremely and easily defined by my characteristics and or my skin
Before I named the sun, moon and stars
Before I named the wind
Now I have forgotten the path I created as well
So my fight now is to stay out of the prison industrial complex
And avoiding the mindset
To just give up and not fight
Assimilation into the greater society has made me as
Infinite Black Smoke
Similar to pollution
Rather than the solution for what ails the world
The universe knows how medicinal I have been
Creating blues, jazz, bebop and hip hop
Then throwing it in the universe
To be capitalized on by all other remote versions of me
Minus the recognition of the connection
The more you dilute my genes
The harder it is for you to keep rhythm
So the beat and cadence changes
To suit the author of the confusion
In other words
You steal from me then say I did not want it
And maybe all of that is true
And maybe all of it is a lie
Try if you will to think of who in the world would want to be poor
Who in this world would not like to see themselves in positive images in primetime
Who would not want to be respected for their accomplishments
Outside of entertainment
I'd like to be recognized for making the traffic light
Providing the bamboo filament for the light bulb
For blood plasma research
For making the artificial heart
I'd like American culture to see that there were no cook books until after slavery
Because the black cooks knew the recipes
So anytime you sell them on TV
This is a reflection of me
I'd like the world to respect my accomplishments
Acknowledge that the "Real McCoy" is a product of a black man
The super soaker created by a black scientist
Because even my own people don't always know this
Presently a black man is McDonald's president
So the Big Mac's, big mack is black
In fact, the first to die in the American Revolution was a black man too
As well as the architect for the nation's capital
The founder of what is now known as Chicago was black
I'd like the historians to tell that the reason Napoleon had to sell Louisiana
Is because he was loosing the slave revolt in Haiti
L'Overture, Bookman and Dessalines
I really want the world to stop saying they brought slaves from Africa to America
And say they brought men and women from Africa and enslaved them in America
Because there is a difference
And it does make a difference
It is as if they want you to think that I do not exist
A black man that thinks before he speaks
Writes and expresses his intellect before his sex
Never stands on pompousness
Because I know I need you
There always has to be an us for there to be a me
Trunk, limbs and shared roots of the same tree
Whether I am self made or degreed
The world would like for you to believe I am a myth
I do not brag about taking care of my responsibilities
Because they are my responsibilities, period
I may not smile as much as would make some comfortable
A lot of people just are not comfortable when a black man is serious
Curious if there is something going on in my head
Why yes, all of the time
I believe in progress
Differentiating my self from the next
I am not just Infinite Black Smoke...
Marquette Beach Gary

Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
People Keep Dying
People keep dying
Politicians keep lying
Public education keeps going down
While you watch reality tv that ain't telling you the truth
Wishing your reality was just an illusion
But unfortunately for you
This is really where you are
There is no wizard here but the grand dragon of the kkk
Every sleazy guy is a Stevie J
And laughing at his ignorance and irresponsibility
Tells little boys his behavior is ok
Acting like we still breeding
Well we are making slaves in each generation stronger
Becoming more complacent with loosing our passions
Like this is all we will ever have
We have been praying to lazy angels to intercede on our behalf
When their wings are dirty and their bodies are out of shape
They are envious of human freedom of choice
To kill ourselves slowly through sugar and non nutritious foods
Our ability to smoke and drink and sex with no concern
No accountability for any of our actions
Then we have the nerve to look at our children in their present state
And not recognize we have not taught them anything
Politicians keep lying
Public education keeps going down
While you watch reality tv that ain't telling you the truth
Wishing your reality was just an illusion
But unfortunately for you
This is really where you are
There is no wizard here but the grand dragon of the kkk
Every sleazy guy is a Stevie J
And laughing at his ignorance and irresponsibility
Tells little boys his behavior is ok
Acting like we still breeding
Well we are making slaves in each generation stronger
Becoming more complacent with loosing our passions
Like this is all we will ever have
We have been praying to lazy angels to intercede on our behalf
When their wings are dirty and their bodies are out of shape
They are envious of human freedom of choice
To kill ourselves slowly through sugar and non nutritious foods
Our ability to smoke and drink and sex with no concern
No accountability for any of our actions
Then we have the nerve to look at our children in their present state
And not recognize we have not taught them anything
People keep dying
And the taxes keep rising
Public assistance is disappearing
Private industry is growing off of the poor loosing freedom
And most people are talking about what some rich person is doing
What some rich baby is wearing
And proud that your baby can wear that too
You can sport the same purse
Or drive the same car
You must be accomplishing something
You must have some worth
See you tithe faithfully and swear you receive your return
Every sunday you turn your head to the effeminate man
That wants to lead your youth organization
Lead your choir
Get your boy to sing
Or you act like you don't see
Certain hands being laid where they don't belong
The selective system of belief
Where you recite and repeat the easy verses
Verses repeat and react the complete teachings
You people don't believe
That's why all the people are stressing in uncertainty
Because they do not have faith even in themselves to solve the simple
They refuse to love, even themselves
And they would take the time to discuss this but - they can't talk now
Scandal is on and you know they can't miss it
Call me later after "The Game" goes off
Sorry, the game don't stop
It's really bad when you don't realize you in it
And being paid to be played
All of your best years dedicated to helping a company help you to under-develop your future
You won't be able to discuss this with your supervisor
He just got laid off too
And the frustration both of you have at this situation
I guess it wasn't y'all company after all
I swear plenty of workers are delusional and crazed
Speaking about where they work as their company
But have no control over them getting a raise
Or better benefits
Profit sharing or other things the CEO benefits from
While you let the TV raise your kids
Or they go to the sitter
Or after school program that does not enhance their learning potential or culture higher than the underpaid social worker or cousin of somebody that work there
That sees your children and spends more quality time with them than you
But that new luxury vehicle seats 6 to 10 comfortably
And of course your child would rather you keep working and giving them the best and highest quality clothes and gadgets so they can show everyone that sees them your investments
And i'm sure you tell them you love them daily
You are just too tired to spend any time with them until the weekend
Unless your work load is too strong and you have to go in
Or unless you get a chance to do two doubles to fatten that check
See if you get a heart attack from being overworked you have great insurance and benefits to give to your kids and spouse to bury you
And for the next person that moves in to your place to enjoy
Cause life goes on
Like this poem can go on and on
But I have other things to do with my life
As I Write and Recite
And the taxes keep rising
Public assistance is disappearing
Private industry is growing off of the poor loosing freedom
And most people are talking about what some rich person is doing
What some rich baby is wearing
And proud that your baby can wear that too
You can sport the same purse
Or drive the same car
You must be accomplishing something
You must have some worth
See you tithe faithfully and swear you receive your return
Every sunday you turn your head to the effeminate man
That wants to lead your youth organization
Lead your choir
Get your boy to sing
Or you act like you don't see
Certain hands being laid where they don't belong
The selective system of belief
Where you recite and repeat the easy verses
Verses repeat and react the complete teachings
You people don't believe
That's why all the people are stressing in uncertainty
Because they do not have faith even in themselves to solve the simple
They refuse to love, even themselves
And they would take the time to discuss this but - they can't talk now
Scandal is on and you know they can't miss it
Call me later after "The Game" goes off
Sorry, the game don't stop
It's really bad when you don't realize you in it
And being paid to be played
All of your best years dedicated to helping a company help you to under-develop your future
You won't be able to discuss this with your supervisor
He just got laid off too
And the frustration both of you have at this situation
I guess it wasn't y'all company after all
I swear plenty of workers are delusional and crazed
Speaking about where they work as their company
But have no control over them getting a raise
Or better benefits
Profit sharing or other things the CEO benefits from
While you let the TV raise your kids
Or they go to the sitter
Or after school program that does not enhance their learning potential or culture higher than the underpaid social worker or cousin of somebody that work there
That sees your children and spends more quality time with them than you
But that new luxury vehicle seats 6 to 10 comfortably
And of course your child would rather you keep working and giving them the best and highest quality clothes and gadgets so they can show everyone that sees them your investments
And i'm sure you tell them you love them daily
You are just too tired to spend any time with them until the weekend
Unless your work load is too strong and you have to go in
Or unless you get a chance to do two doubles to fatten that check
See if you get a heart attack from being overworked you have great insurance and benefits to give to your kids and spouse to bury you
And for the next person that moves in to your place to enjoy
Cause life goes on
Like this poem can go on and on
But I have other things to do with my life
As I Write and Recite
And I force myself to live more everyday
So my death will only be physical...
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
This Time Out
This time out you can say you were part of something that meant something
You participated in a cosmic venture against a universal wrong
You saw the verdict and did nothing again
But you hurt so you showed your feelings
Hands up to the ceiling (in private)
Followed the rhetoric (in public)
Head nodding
No critical analysis that there is no leadership in the Black Community
That Sharpton is very dull with no Brown
Jesse is less effective with no King
And every person in the hood is a fool
Especially as they act surprised like there was no King, Amadou or anyone new
Next day, next night, next week, next door or they could be next
I don't want to run or avenge my son
I want to be preventive and stay who I am
On a road to death since I was born
Kiss my babies for me
This time out they already know how much I love them
No one has to tell them my stories I have told them
I have been there
I am no absentee
I have loved them and their families as I love my self
Taken the high road but no shit from anything or any one
Knew better and was not surprised
Just assessed the preparedness of the masses
They did not want to loose their unreal reality tv
Nor did they want to not find out what house wife, ex-wife, ex-woman show would ignore the issue
No one wore any damn hoodies
They would not dare affect their money because their children live
Jay Z says there is no racism
So he is keeping it 100% bullshit as usual
At least he is consistent
Persistent and clear that your level of intelligence can not stop your money
As long as you can pose
Show your smile and keep your people in the fog
Don't quote me because it won't do you any good
This time out before I wrote this it was understood
Overstood and over hoods without hoods
In suits and ties in your face
Politely reminding you it is always NIGGER and never NIGGA
No matter what the whites and arabs you cool with
That say because they poor in the proximity
They use derogatory terms about our ancestry and not theirs
No Spick or Sand Nigger or Sand Nigga, Towel Head etc
Too unorganized to be a terrorist
But you buy their bullshit
And call it art
Like God took a shit and you took it as chocolate
No it is shit
Turds as words like the ones you never said against anything
Just thought it as you angrily walked to your luxury vehicle
And said shit aint that bad for all of us
At least we not slaves
Student loan, credit cards ignored
Gut rehab the new fab cause they don't like your ass is the burbs
The bias class of yuppies, bubbies, yuckies, buckies.. fuck me
Whatever you call it now
This time out
Everybody knows
Your existence is lower than their pets
Michael Vick got time for betting and abiding on someone killing a dog
This dog killed a boy
After the police told him not to follow him
His ass should have been kicked
Who cares
Its called murder here and every elsewhere
Just this time out
America showed the world
When a black child dies
They don't fucking care...
This Time Out Audio
Monday, August 19, 2013
Everytime I Reach Out I Reach Up
Everytime I reach out I reach up
The only thing that lives are memories
So many snakes in the river
People scared to swim
While I go deep
I don't hold my breath
I breathe the water and let my lungs fill
Don't need a pill or a doctor
Seems like some scared of my shadow
When they should fear my light
Exposure and exposing when expressing
Sincerity let's it stay effortless
Relevance been confirmed since conception
Even though I'm not that type to conceive conceit
Or ever think of defeat
My feat is in the reach...
Everytime I reach out I reach up
And I see the glory of the universe telling my story
A hobby past sloppy lines and incomplete thoughts
Shared existences
Instantly connecting stars to their destiny
Constantly conscious consciously conscientious
Predestined pasts parasites pretentions
Never needing needless nudges
Before I budge I bud like a flower
Minute in minutes minus milliseconds every hour
My power exponential and gentle to the gentile
With my own style and stand
Elbow, wrist then hand ambidextrous
Noting the noted notions of the illustrious
Never caught out, straight raw gut
Because I know
Everytime I reach out I reach up
- Kelechukwu Brnfre
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Exodus I
I really don't believe in relying on my dreams
I work too hard in trying to prepare myself for death so
I really spend too much time occupying my mind about time
Crying on the inside of my feelings
Away from the rest of the world is where most of us exist
Whispering loud subjects intersected by incisions like parasitic insects
Indexed like cards in a library of lost emotions that are looking to be found
Held down by the person holding them like hell bent heathens that Believe stronger than Believers that really don't believe what they profess
My profession is marred by my intent on being better than I was before I thought I would be something other than i already am
Understanding all the time I can only be me in whatever shape you see me
A stigmatism like skepticism that the realism is a bit staged and unnatural like medicine with side effects
That affect what’s on the side of your goals that you really shouldn't see because then that means you are not focused
Blurry is the time that passes nonstop while you are being complacent and claim not to be chasing what you are chasing
And not facing the reality that even though the sun shines for all human beings it does not stimulate the same stimuli for you and I if you are melanin deprived
In a hive like bees is where they hide and mad at what is the truth in science passed through my genealogy
Chronologically its documented that i've been tormented, deflected and dismissed as a people
To the point to where the people they point at point in directions that point away from what’s the point of pointing out they need to have a point to start or they will end up pointless and that’s the point of the people pointing out the difference from the point starting
My mind is different i come from the right and left ambidextrous as evil and the wickedness i'm combating in high and low places
Sometimes i write with no spaces or subjects and my teachers would say i just run on
And i'd say for sure like Kunta Kinte with some Jordans
I think I could fly as well as those with i but we spent too much time with chickens to where we think we are just brown ones
Instead of eagles soaring high because I cannot recognize when, how and where you can find one because I rarely look at self
My mind is not done its just shaded by the confusion in the lives that we have created
Your pants under your behind as a male because your past stinks
And now you look like your were just taken by force again
This is just the physical reflecting what has already transpired in your spirit
See i don't need anyone else to create for me to create because I was created by the best Creator to create creations and demonstrations to show my diligence and submission to position me as a true vicegerent inherent of the kingdom in heaven as it is on earth from birth
I see you cursed with trying to rehearse the well versed
See fist there was the word
And the word became flesh
That same word can produce, heal, comfort, inspire and bring life as well as the reverse your death
As well as revise your breath
As well as reverse your deaf
Hear oh Israel; stop listening my people to sounds that are not organized as music in harmony with the melody of synchronization of building our nation with a strong foundation no matter how many stones subdue our body collective
Collective our body can over come
Hide Me
We separate our tears in grains of salt that taste like sugar
She breathes life out and I inhale it when she sleeps to recycle her
The impression she has on my life shows discretely
I hold her secrets like the last drops of water from a sponge in the desert
I place my hands over my eyes to really look into us
Her smell arouses me and he saliva makes me want her
If you have never felt this way about a woman then you have never lived
I knew she would eventually leave so I prepared her exit
My selfishness would not allow me to share myself fully so I cloaked my truth in parables
She pierced my thin skin and burst my balloon
But i still enjoyed spreading myself out in small particles
An atom splitting is nuclear
Her and I splitting was probably the best for me
Now I can breathe
She imitated life while we died
I so enjoyed being inside of her
Some of me I left in her to torment her new relationships
I told her I was not that bad and that I could be as stubborn for her as I am with my principals
Unfortunately for her, I just won't live unhappy
I kept strands of her hair that kept shedding even though her walls never did
I broke my silence too long after we were done and she received another mans woes
She carries his burdens and then compares him to me
This is so unfair to him
Why we still stay in contact is probably a little of both of us
Hopefully my new love will find a way to protect and hide me...
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