Marquette Beach Gary

Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The More I Stand still
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What Reward
I deal in fiction some say because I hope the people can come together
I would like to think of this as a biographical
Because I am writing my legacy
With a reflective pen full of blood and mirrors
Spilling the ink into the psyche and consciousness of the planet
I don’t take counsel in my friends unless they hold integrity to be brutal
The growth from pain equaled out with qualified praise turns the wheel
Personal wounds stay open and unaddressed
Hidden like cuts on my torso
Opening over and over as I move
Seeping into my underwear and not visible to passers by
But I know the sickness that I live through and live by
My remedy is to stay still and watch
Hold myself and others accountable for who we proclaim to be
It is obvious to me
That you really don’t know me
So whoever misled you should be held accountable by you
Not me, for I know who I am fully
I know my deepest intimacies and perversions
I know my alarming thoughts that have become normal to me
Because I have been accustomed to loving my life more than yours
Self preservation can get sadistic to keep off static
I’ve been an addict to the pain and pressure so its hard for me to relax
I’ve made my weaknesses my strength
Just to make sense of it all
But what reward do I enjoy if I end up alone and without you
Without someone that looks like me and understands my nuances
That understands answers to questions like I do
Man how are you doing?
Sister how are you holding on?
Both of them answered emphatically
Please, I’m from the G…
An idiom to an idiot that does not understand that this is infinite
It is the adhesive to our recognition that no one should complain
Especially when we can open our eyes and see that no one cares
Everyone gets as far away from us as possible
As a solution for a better life for them
As if black hard work brings dirty sweat
As if the whole word can selectively forget
How we have made the world better
I remember every time I see a street light
I remember every time I hear “The Real McCoy”
Every time I see a child still smile in situations with the worst neglect
Every human being can respect that we want the best for our children
If there is no bridge then we have to build them
Walk across them daily to show the wear of its use
I’m from a city, in a region in a state of confusion
Where everyone should face the solution
Is reflected daily in the mirror
That as I learn to work progressively with you
I learn to work progressively
With my self