Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Until Their Death

I want to speak from a place hidden inside me by formalities
But I have to understand how my words cut and bruise
Plenty of people have ben hurt already and bring it to our introduction
Like little ex-girlfriends waiting for you to say something wrong
So they can catch you in a lie
When in reality
What you say is not a lie
It's just not a truth for you and them

People need winters to remember how cold the world is
How selfish a girl is
And how much responsibility they lay on you when things go wrong
How much credibility they take for keeping the relationship together
Really saying my worth is in security and warmth
If you don't have no money
Then you are a bum
Perform upon request
Or she'll let a rich guy cum
By now you should be numb and stop acting naive
As if you never seen this web weaved
You never felt sticky secretions from a black widows rear
Stay close enough to it and all kinds of things will appear

I have been my own worst enemy
Although I pretend to be my friend
I am at odds with my self now on whether to live or not
Who's winning
Don't worry I already know who you are rooting for
Place your bets
I'll have no regrets when this is done
I am still my fathers son
Born with my mother's aggression
In my hand, a stranger's Smith and Wesson
I already understand the consequences
It's just explaining this to my babies
Explaining how I let shady folk become a part of their life
How my vice past my advice still affects their life
Just how did I choose their mothers
And did their mothers really ever choose me
Am I just making the best of things
Because as strong as I am
I still can't get any understanding

I want to speak from a place hidden inside of me by formalities
But I have to understand how my words cut and bruise
Plenty of people have ben hurt already and bring it to our introduction
Like little ex-girlfriends waiting for you to say something wrong
So they can catch you in a lie
When in reality
What you say is not a lie
It's just not a truth for you and them

Can't people understand that feelings are reckless and haphazard
So I have to stay close to my logic
A heart is so deceitful
And it will have you say forget the math
This has worked somewhere I know
And leave you broken again with nothing to from it to show
You don't just leave the vomit
You clean it up
So depression is your enemies friend
It just slows you down unless you embrace it
Taste it for all of its bitterness
So the scent of success reminds your palate
Its sweeter being happy
But addicts look so happy during the high
As time passes them by
I hug myself when I am alone
And I feel the addicts cry
They want to know why
And why is because suffer the little children do
And then they die

I lost my mind when I found out
Everything we have been taught to believe in
Has been a lie

No one knows where we come from
No one knows where we go in the end
Go get yourself some things you can leave on this earth to your seeds
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind

Life is short if you are having fun
Its long and hard for most
Most people are obsessed
To remember to try and forget

Forget where they made mistakes
Why they have wept
Why they are behind right now
Where they know they should be
So they pray and fellowship faithfully
My faith and prayer are tied into my works
I don't have the strength to call God a jerk
Or to be angry at why all people suffer life until they die
Then they may still suffer on the other side
Unless you are devout to what some man has passed down to you
On this side Riiiight

Why do I see so many that look like me
Under the heel of someone that does not believe in God
I never liked them so I never joined their ranks
And you seem so psychotic when you say you just believe
And you can't explain to me why you believe
And you get angry when I don't agree because you can't explain
Or your explanations require you to use some thing other than your brain
And you refuse to think main...

This is when I really see your pain
And reality sets back in again

This is when I really see your pain
And reality sets back in again

And you focus and try to remember to forget
That you don't know why you believe
It's just a feeling...
Nothing empirical
Life is just a miracle
You don't need any evidence
The devil is a scientist

No one knows where we come from
No one knows where we go in the end
Go get yourself some things you can leave on this earth to your seeds
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind

Life is short if you are having fun
Its long and hard for most
Most remember to try and forget
Forget where they made mistakes
Why they have wept
They tell me hold my head up
Don't look at the ground

But how else will I watch my steps

I live my life for my self and no one else...
I live my life for my self and no one else...
I live my life for my self and no one else...

Most won't figure this out until their death....

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