Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Her Body For Free

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

Her body for free
Her body for free
Her body for free

I don't want to read your
Emails or texts that say
How much he loves your body
Or how well he likes your head

Don't waste your time
Trying your best to make me jealous
If that's working out for you
Then keep it to yourself, girl

Cause in my mind I'm not
Feeling sorry for that fool no
Cause you still the same woman
He don't know he got a problem

But you and I know
You are really so unstable girl
It's gone take more than therapy
To make you finally see that

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

Her body for free
Her body for free
Her body for free

It's like you don't understand your worth
I understood it and tried to add to it
You can only play a role but for so long
Then you regress back to your old habits
Excusing your ways because of anger and your past
How would we ever last like that
How would you think I'd tolerate any abuse
What price do you put on my sanity
How much does it cost to get through to you
That I never used you in any way
I made you better
I loved you and put you first
But you have always been a side chick
So you never knew how to represent me
How to shut the fuck up and not ask stupid questions
Of nobody ass people that were and are dying to replace you
Doing their best to erase your memory
All the time you spent with me
Now for nothing - when I felt you were something
I loved the way you made me feel
And that's all I needed to marry you
Now the burden that we carry of us
Is just full of regrets and broken sentiments
Just don't ever forget

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

I can't have no woman
Saying that she loves me
Making me pay for her emotions
While she's giving out her body for free

Her body for free
Her body for free
Her body for free

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Limits

I plan to slowly and precisely
Starting with slow kisses and hugs
Ending inside your thighs
And on your lips
Both sets and dripping into you
Easily like our conversation
Penetrating your being
Until we stick to each other
Like bad habits we don't want to unlearn
Let me be inside of you for eternity
That's the only limits on my love for you

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Special Gift
Longing for Acceptance
Inside of a Box


Beautiful, Open
Thinking, Learning, Expanding
In Search of Better

The Crucible

Inside the crucible
We get crushed and broken but we can become whole again
We are made tacky by our own moisture
Usually represented by sweat and tears
Cuts and rips like deep incisions
Hard decisions to make
We get piled on top of ourself just to become powder
Loose our power just to be reenergized
Find me devoutly chasing and naming myself
Inner self come forth and multiply
Before I die I will live again
In my prism to show my colors
Bruises show the change in my skin
My boldness my sin and and my salvation is not hidden
Your arms have been my prison and now I need release
Conditioned as a problem
How can words, thoughts and emotions harm him...
My last drive not one to self destruction
I need to become the glue
So that I don't fall apart...

Bad Luck

She was bad luck before I met her
Bad look for me to get involved
Should have known from previous relationships
How she handled shit
Thats it would not be better
For love I did not think again
But this time it put me really behind
Popped me in the system
To my heart I should have never listened

See, it's never about a woman
But its always about one
You never go against your rules except for one
I only get unclear when I let my heart get my ear
I should stay my course
Of course that little voice comes out
And says you dont want to die alone, no doubt
But see i moved away, right away
To avoid a lie placed on me
And I was living successfully
Never to return there another day
But then here she comes
With a mess of an address
In an area uncomfortable and inaccessible
And instead of being intellectual
I wasn't
Now I rest with my demons and issues
Far worse off because I fell in love with her
And went against my own system
Now she ridicules me for my past
Takes no responsibility and laughs
Giving the next man the ass and he is laughing too
At me for sure of course right now
But I won't take a bow or any blows
I just go harder now against their flow
And remember that anywhere that I go
I go... slow
And weigh out all of my variables
Verily, to be more than just there
She likes it when she is needed
She likes it when she can talk down and nasty to me
She says its just because she is angry
I can see that she never believed in me
I can see that she never respected me
Maybe I never believe in and respected myself
That's why I took the abuse
I was sure I was looking for love
So this time I didn't run when I should have ran
Hind sight is 20/20
Still got me plenty of life left to do me
And no time to believe in
Bad Luck

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Peep This

I see you watching from the outside wishing you were here
Like you don't know how you got where you are now

There is a difference in choosing and being chose
But you may not know
There is a difference in wanting and being wanted
But you may not know
There is a difference in controlling and control
But you may not know
When you finally figure it out I won't care

I see you watching from the outside wishing you were here
Like you don't know how you got where you are now

There is no lie worse than the lie you tell to yourself
I guess if you repeat it enough in private you can repeat it in public
Try and get some sympathy on your own creation
Like you didn't make things exactly the way they are now
Like you are the victim in this somehow
But no one is buying it
Nor is anything else here for sale

I see you watching from the outside wishing you were here
Like you don't know how you got where you are now

Peep this
This is what I have to say to you

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Abstinence

Through the dark passages of my mental
I will continue to treat my body like a temple
No matter how many people try to prey on me
I'll keep my sanctity through my consistency
Resistance through the reality of my Abstinence

I don't mess with you anymore

This is a cleansing - a new mantra
God has blessed me and wants me to be successful
No one with wicked intentions will ever last in my circle
I rebuke you and any negativity from my life
Those that gather in secret against me with envy, jealousy and hate in their hearts will be exposed
No weapon gathered against me shall prosper
The riches and wealth that I gather from the earth I will share it
In abundance before your eyes you shall see me grow
I am now conscious and ready to receive the bounty of the universe

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Feed The Famine

I went to Haiti gluttonous
Came back on an internal diet
Promise to feed the famine

They starving for this

I went to Haiti promiscuous
Came back oh so fidelis
True to only a select few

Don't believe what they telling you

Beautiful Soul is a movement
Soul is... Beautiful
Although people act ugly to me
I still see their beauty
I still would like some unity
But not to my destruction
Not to the detriment of my sista

Everyone acting so lawless
Like its cool
But really they hate organization
But really they hate rules
So I had to come back
And make it clear
You can say and do
Whatever you want

Just not here

Beautiful Soul s a movement
Soul is... Beautiful
So we don't play with it
How is Gary and Haiti
So different

To think they just love us
Is just not intelligent
Use your wisdom
What they need - keep giving 'em

No matter what you've heard
It's not just music, singing and words

The Soul is my religion
Because its what I practice
Only strangers are surprised
When they come into our set
I already knew
How beautiful it could get

Off hard work and sweat
I won't forget
I was the poorest person
Outside the projects

But my mind stayed fresh
So I stayed fresh
Everywhere I went
Leaving my influence

Depuis je parti Gary
Ca bouge pour nous

Quand j'etait en Tunisie et Cote D'Ivoire
Ca bouge pour nous

Quand j'etait avec Fela dans la Shrine
Ca bouge pour nous

Quand j'etait en Haiti avec le peuple
Ca bouge pour nous

See this aint nothing new
I can feature on any set
And on my set - I give anyone a feature

Ungrateful they were respected
They long to go to the city to get rejected
When they ask from whence they came

They hear our name

I went to Haiti gluttonous
Came back on an internal diet
Promise to feed the famine

They starving for this

I went to Haiti promiscuous
Came back oh so fidelis
True to only a select few

Don't believe what they telling you

Soul is...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Absolutes

There are no absolutes in life
The same people that may want you out today
May be advocates for you to be in tomorrow

The same people you can not stomach today
You may place in a position of responsibility tomorrow

There are no real absolutes except for change

Change is the only absolute save for God to believers
Save for love for the lovers
Hate for the haters

My mind does not digest the congestion of thoughts in gray areas
My thoughts will not color a black and white mindset

Another absolute is the thought that things can die

But there is no absolute contention that this is the truth
Or why...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Frequency's Frequency

The interdependency of sound and harmony

Between man and woman can
Resonate past participation

My hesitation to become noise

Organize my sound to music
Don't confuse it
As common

My breath moves at a constancy of my heart beat
2/4 or 1/3 or sporadic like my thoughts
Caught in the brown hues of your eyes
Trying to vibrate past your hips and thighs

Learning your manuscript

I hum to calm me down
And stop my body from aching

Frequency's frequency

Still participating

Precipitating like tears down your cheek
Freak wincing

A wink as a blink

As a link

To what I think

I pause for you in adoration
You rush me to take my patience

The interdependency of sound and harmony
Between man and woman can
Resonate past participation

But won't you join me next time...

Even if it's just in my mind...

In time we will take tours...

Through yours...

- Kelechukwu