Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bad Luck

She was bad luck before I met her
Bad look for me to get involved
Should have known from previous relationships
How she handled shit
Thats it would not be better
For love I did not think again
But this time it put me really behind
Popped me in the system
To my heart I should have never listened

See, it's never about a woman
But its always about one
You never go against your rules except for one
I only get unclear when I let my heart get my ear
I should stay my course
Of course that little voice comes out
And says you dont want to die alone, no doubt
But see i moved away, right away
To avoid a lie placed on me
And I was living successfully
Never to return there another day
But then here she comes
With a mess of an address
In an area uncomfortable and inaccessible
And instead of being intellectual
I wasn't
Now I rest with my demons and issues
Far worse off because I fell in love with her
And went against my own system
Now she ridicules me for my past
Takes no responsibility and laughs
Giving the next man the ass and he is laughing too
At me for sure of course right now
But I won't take a bow or any blows
I just go harder now against their flow
And remember that anywhere that I go
I go... slow
And weigh out all of my variables
Verily, to be more than just there
She likes it when she is needed
She likes it when she can talk down and nasty to me
She says its just because she is angry
I can see that she never believed in me
I can see that she never respected me
Maybe I never believe in and respected myself
That's why I took the abuse
I was sure I was looking for love
So this time I didn't run when I should have ran
Hind sight is 20/20
Still got me plenty of life left to do me
And no time to believe in
Bad Luck

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