Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Portable Solutions

Technology has become affordable
And let me be recordable and portable
Available anywhere there is a will
And an ear to make it clear
People can take it with
If you can't remember the solution
You can store it on you your device as a gif
Jpeg, pdf and make the MF
Quit making BMs and BDs
And slide it to the VLs and GDs
Bloods and Crips
Gangstas, Thugs and Nerds
All at one time simultaneously
With a fast blast full of DNA
Decoded Natural Agression
At a system of fools in control of who lives and dies
See we perform suicide not so revolutionary
Daily I see the spirit sacrificed
For the material made of something already expired
Giving life for death
Filling our lungs and our lives with poison
Disrespecting breath
Tragic the devil never seems to be asthmatic
Its only the gods and earths that hold their jewels
But we all should just throw our seeds
For its not for us to know
What will be watered
Or decide to take root
Nor what time it will grow

Friday, May 20, 2011

In Search Of...

In search of a good woman
That understands that I am a good man
One that will not try and dictate who I should be
But one that accepts me as I do her
A single woman
I do not want another mans woman
Because she is another mans woman
I want a woman that can love me for who I am
Not a woman that wants me to turn into who she wants me to be
I resolve now that I surely have not met her yet
The next time I meet a woman
I am going to take all the mess that I have been through
And learn from it this time
I am sure I have overstayed my welcome here
Nothing is going right
And no matter what I do I am not happy
I have those thoughts again
And I need to be strong for my children
I need to be strong for myself
I can't trust anyone anymore
This is depressing

In search of a new way of living
Wonder if God is really mad at me for being me
I try so much to give to people and help
But it seems like I am not getting any help
I made concessions before to move for love
Now I hate that decision because I no longer am safe
I close the deal and get the job and I am told to leave
I work harder than ever and still get worse results
I keep having those thoughts again
And I can't do that to anyone
This is my fault
I have to take ownership
I am alone because I will not take shit
And this is fine for me
Nobody I want wants me
Nor do I trust the ones that say they want me
For what
What do they want
Why are they here
Why am I even writing
Who wants to read or hear this
This is so personal but all out in other peoples conversations
They don't fucking know me

Nosy ass witches trying to cast spells on me
Wishing me the worst luck
I will prosper
But for now I have to disappear
Because I am in search of something better
A better place where people respect me
And respect that I can do what is right
And know I do not throw around words like I love you
Nor do i spend my time with people that are not special to me
So here we go
Changing numbers
Changing addresses
And leaving everything behind
In search of something better
A place that may not exist
As I question the worth of my existence to more than my seeds
My son would miss me
My mother would miss me
Everyone else would just pass on the story of who they thought I was
Which I probably was not
I don't need the spotlight
I don't need the stage
I am so sick of being surrounded by greedy people
I am so sick of hearing empty promises
These fucking people just want to bitch
They just want to complain
They just want to live in theory
They don't want to do shit to change their own situations
So I'm done wasting my time on them and this idea of us
Do I even care if anyone remembers me
I surrounded by so many selfish people
Complaining about nothing as I loose everything
Ha Ha I can only laugh
And understand that I am on this path for a reason
A reason that I am in search of
Because I really do not know
I don't want to be patronized
I really need to close this down and spend some time alone...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I better understand lives like yours

You demonstrate a lack of willingness

To accept the individuality of others

Something inside you smothers your humanity

Your humility absent because you don’t feel loved

You were abused – raised in the dark

And my light shines so bright

You frown as so not to drown

In your own inadequacies

You sink deeper into groupthink

You are toughest when you are with others

Alone I exhibit more strength than any group

Decide my own direction until perfection

When you or your group start doing what I do

I must be doing something else

In order to stay fresh – and you need me

Your existence is so gray and archaic

Someone told you that pushing me would hurt me

And it would make you feel better

But all it did was help me become stronger

The longer you harass me

The weaker you become

I become numb to your name-calling

I loose all desire to be around you

Or anyone else like you

I grow a distain for anyone

Or anything that condones your type of behavior

We cannot have the same Savior

My God can never be that abusive

I felt alone everyday

Inside my home I closed the door

And I’d go deeper inside of me

I won’t hide inside of my pride

To stoop to homo or suicide

But don’t push me

You love to say “or what!”

“What are you going to do about it!”

Well, I am going to remain who I am

And gain strength while you

Disappear into nothingness

The older we get the better you used to be

The better I am currently

I will travel this planet and see

That the whole world loves someone like me

I was born with natural leadership qualities

You say you know people

People say they know me

And publically or silently

They always admire my ability to be free

I better understand lives like yours now

You used to chase me home

You and your friends used to make life hard

The older we get the more of you

Are now behind bars

The older we get the less respected

All of you have become

You all used to be so cool

Now you all look so dumb

You made me an outsider

So now of course I’m not here for acceptance

Every time I perform

I am having creative conversations with my Creator

Of which I’ve given you permission to listen

Multifaceted we are – painting pictures

Painting pictures actual or abstract

But always graphic

And I would love for you to love it

But if you don’t I rise above it

See the drama and the trauma that I went through

Makes me never covet any acceptance from you

Through all of life’s complications

I put together bits and pieces of my life as presentations

To the resilience of human manifestations of triumph

Someone you picked on as a nobody

Now I am a GIANT

“I’m 20 feet tall”

And I don’t mess with you at all

But if you mess with me

You’ll soon see my ability

To remove all noise from my life

To find my harmony

Yes I am that little boy from Catholic school

The one you said only had

1 shirt, 1 tie and 1 pair of pants

The one you would not let be

Until I learned that the only one

I could depend on to fight for me

Is me

So Bully

I better understand lives like yours now

So I’ll dedicate this life of mine

To let the children know they are safe

And there are more of their kind than yours

And our job won’t be done

Until the last child tells a bully

You will leave me alone

I am no longer afraid of you

There are people here that understand me

And will protect me if you continue

So I refuse to run!

Look out world here I come!

See I better understand live like yours now

And it’s time

You better understood




To help in assisting in preventing bullying check this website

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It Continues

I continually get disrespected by people that I trusted
This continually let's me know that I do not think as much about myself as I should
I know people say I have a big ego
People say I am full of myself
It is truly these people that do not know me
I have a big heart
I am just not a fool
People confuse poet and punk
Because I am in the arts folks think I won't fight
I don't like to fight
Rarely start them but I am determined to finish them
I don't bother people
I really dont want to be bothered by them
I stay in my lane and do my thing
And do me
I must look stupid to people around me
I must look like I dont work hard
I am unorganized or I can't take care of business
I can take care of business
I just watch what people say and what they dont say
Watch what they do and what they dont do
People tell you a lot about them under pressure
Most can't take it
And then try and bring you in on their short comings
Not me
I'd rather start over and keep it moving
Or just continue on my destiny

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Magic Box

That magic box holds notes as quotes
In reverence to strokes
Sliding scales of her frequencies
My tendons limber
And its been weeks since I felt her lips
I grab her face when I kiss her
So they poke out
How I like it when she pouts
Her eyes roll back in her head
We would think she is dead
If it weren't for the things she said
She says my name
And other phrases like
OMG - what is this
My name
Hold it I can't breathe
My name
See I know its a game asthma or not
If you saying anything you can breathe
So I keep it going deeply
She loves it when I kiss her breasts
She even kisses them too
They are uniquely shaped
And they fit in my mouth
I miss her tongue
Her sucking me
I miss her strong grip
And her acknowledging how good it is
"How good it is..."
"How good it is..."
"How good it is..."
"How God he is..."
I hear in my head
So am I zoning over all that has put me in a zone
I may not speak to her again
I may speak to her again
"The sex is blazing"
"And it's so amazing"
But can the relationship compare
We will always let us sabotage us
Some tricks in her magic box
Make me disappear
But only physically
I have penetrated deeper than her ear
Left competing memories
Then again...
I may just think too much of myself
Abbra Cadabbra tho
Onto another bro
I know they still call
They never fully let they exes ever go
If they told you a name
Or they remember them easily
They bring back their spirits
Saying they only have a few intimate
Numbers go down on presentation
Go up in discovery
I never think about them when I'm in her
I never thought about them before I touched her
I never thought about them after she came
The vanishing various influences on her vagina
After she got caught in my rhythm...

Listen to the music