Marquette Beach Gary

Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Friday, November 30, 2012
In Honor of Jihad Muhammad
In his memory
I will stay calm today
I will carry his fire for freedom
But I will stay in control
In his memory
I will look for paths of resolution
I will continue the struggle
And I will look for ways to come together
Before I separate only to regroup again
In his memory
I will think community first
I will continue to build my self intellectually
I will grow my wealth individually
And I will share in abundance my resources
In his memory I will not forget my mortality
I will undersatnd Who is the Greatest
I will submit to this Universality
And I will share my Deen through my actions
In his memory
I will not forget form whince I came
I will not turn away from Mid-Town
I will always think Urban Community Economic Development
His name will ring commitment to our People
Full of admiration and respect for his heart and his works...
In his memory...
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
All Things Are Conditional
You are setting yourself up for disappointment
I try not to ever have expectations
But people ask me to trust them
I think they ask me to trust them to see if I will only
They definitely have their interests in mind
Which is not a bad thing
Its just not an honest thing
The reasons behind anything that they say to me is the conditions
I love you if you do this...
I love you if you do that...
I mean this to you if you do this...
I meant this to you if you do that...
I am secure enough in myself to not need conditions
I don't need you to be a certain way to me for me to be a certain way to you
I know all things are conditional outside of your children
So I don't place people in situations where they have to feel uncomfortable
I'm not closing my eyes while I am intimate to not fall deeper into anything
I'm not playing games with my space and or feelings
I'm not into saying I can help you, but under these conditions
I don't do that because I represent myself and my children
I already have disappointed them enough in the past
When will I take responsibility and do what is best for them?
When will I take responsibility and do what's best for me
My life is ending
Their life is beginning
I am their hero until they can evaluate me amongst their other heroes
In a while I may not fly so high
My cape may not be so brilliant
My strength will definitely diminish
And my all knowing brian will pale inside of the new world they will discover
I love them
And I need to remember how to truly love myself
All things being conditional....
Friday, August 17, 2012
Elle Est Belle (pronounced El - Ay - Bell)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I Fly 4 Life
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Communicate With The Dead
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I Must Still Have Some Worth
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Then We repent
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I Love Them Both
My mind plays tricks on me
When I think I need to give up it pushes me on
When I think I have done all I can do
It lets me know I still have more in me
It helps me to ignore the maliciousness of those closest to me
The jealousy and envy they hold
When I feel I still have nothing
Slipping between the seconds as they get closer to infinity
I stand on small stones of resiliency
Holding the small ground I raised my expectations on as my island
Staying afloat to look like a mirage
Drink of this potion and intoxicate your life with my spirits
Hallucinations make people think they are perfect
Perfection is the final stages of life when there is no living left to do
It rests in smiles of children that really only love
Rarely know hate except in words repeated from adults they believe in
My mind plays tricks on me
Telling me I can no longer believe in men
I have to loose the "n" and only believe in me
Superficial is the love of a person that is still angry and won't forgive you
Won't ever let you grow from your old self and skin already shedded
Heading for a finite position
I now understand
That my mind is my best friend
I need to embrace her willingness to love me
Intermingle her sound judgement and fidelity
And weigh it against my self
For he still is basking in arrogance
And afraid to ask for direction
I am more akin to him than my mind
So presently
I still am lost
But one day I will listen to her and find my way
I love them both as I love myself