Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Friday, November 30, 2012

In Honor of Jihad Muhammad

In Honor of Jihad Muhammad

In his memory

I will stay calm today

I will carry his fire for freedom

But I will stay in control

In his memory

I will look for paths of resolution

I will continue the struggle

And I will look for ways to come together

Before I separate only to regroup again

In his memory

I will think community first

I will continue to build my self intellectually

I will grow my wealth individually

And I will share in abundance my resources

In his memory I will not forget my mortality

I will undersatnd Who is the Greatest

I will submit to this Universality

And I will share my Deen through my actions

In his memory

I will not forget form whince I came

I will not turn away from Mid-Town

I will always think Urban Community Economic Development

His name will ring commitment to our People

Full of admiration and respect for his heart and his works...

In his memory...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

All Things Are Conditional

When you have expectations of anyone outside of yourself
You are setting yourself up for disappointment
I try not to ever have expectations
But people ask me to trust them
I think they ask me to trust them to see if I will only
They definitely have their interests in mind
Which is not a bad thing
Its just not an honest thing
The reasons behind anything that they say to me is the conditions
I love you if you do this...
I love you if you do that...
I mean this to you if you do this...
I meant this to you if you do that...
I am secure enough in myself to not need conditions
I don't need you to be a certain way to me for me to be a certain way to you
I know all things are conditional outside of your children
So I don't place people in situations where they have to feel uncomfortable
I'm not closing my eyes while I am intimate to not fall deeper into anything
I'm not playing games with my space and or feelings
I'm not into saying I can help you, but under these conditions
I don't do that because I represent myself and my children
I already have disappointed them enough in the past
When will I take responsibility and do what is best for them?
When will I take responsibility and do what's best for me
My life is ending
Their life is beginning
I am their hero until they can evaluate me amongst their other heroes
In a while I may not fly so high
My cape may not be so brilliant
My strength will definitely diminish
And my all knowing brian will pale inside of the new world they will discover
I love them
And I need to remember how to truly love myself
All things being conditional....

Friday, August 17, 2012

Elle Est Belle (pronounced El - Ay - Bell)

Elle est belle 
And so many times I have never told her
I have passed her in streets congested with ugliness and she has renewed my spirit
I have seen her in her present condition and thought about how I may have contributed to her pain
See I have learned from other males and it's not surprising that "il" is the noun for male in french
We do sick things at times to ourselves so others don't have a chance
Yet, elle est belle
I'm not in euphoria either or speaking of any of the negative attributes of her
I am focusing on that part of her that is bigger than my primal instinct to return to Eve
Bigger than my desire to fill her and feel her as I attempt to change our future
I mean have you really seen elle as she is just being her
The perk in her step as she remembers something else that she needs to do
Her internal laugh as she remembers something that she enjoyed that was done to her
I try to stay valued in both categories
Not judging my worth by her
But showing the worth of her to me
It's easy to be vulgar
The art is in the sensuality
Elle has a tenderness that can be given in reward for her respect
Elle, tu me manque (I miss you)
Le dernier fois que je te voir (The last time I saw you)
Je te l"avais dit... (I told you)
Ni mois sauf toi (Not me without you)
Ni toi sauf moi (Or you without me)
And I meant it
I was you before I became me and I carry your "x"
"Y" makes me who I am but I still understand the compassion needed to care
You keep me there...
The problem with most of my peers words to your ears is the same problem I have with them
We don't believe them...
There has been a lost integrity behind saying what we mean
And meaning what we say
The true value of us is how everyone else feels when we are taken away

My memories of being held by you have always carried me through
So in some sort of way I want you to feel held by me
In all of my actions 
In all of my art
Elle est belle is an essential part
She is beautiful
And her inner most beauty is what drives me to her all the time
I try to complement her scars because they give her skin character
Even though she  has been taught that covering them up makes her belle
I often let her walk by when she is made up for the show
I've been hugged and got some of that on my skin
It was hot and my pores could not breathe
And if this makes her feel good then I accept it
I just don't think she believes me when I tell her that its not my preference
I like her scratches and nicks, they tell her story
I'm not talking about in marketing and promotion because we all know that that is for perfection
And this is an imperfect world 
So I hope that we all know that that is not real or attainable
Its for money
And so many do anything for money
And this is exactly where they lower their value
Il et elle (him and her)
They say all money spends the same
That has not been my experience
They say all sex is the same
That has not been my experience either
They say all men are the same
I hope this is not true
They say all women are the same
Now I know I can stop this with you
The truth is that you have the potential to start and or stop a war
Speak to the core of all of our pain if you speak to us and not at us
The maternal has an order we have not followed for so long in public
Privately wishing things could change
But not exerting our strengths to manifest what our hearts have called for
A return to the respect for elle
Then our speech in public will be tempered by appropriate dialog for our daughters
Our appearance would be palatable to all our children
And the elders would rejoice and enthusiastically give us permission to speak
And the sounds wouldn't be so weak
And everyone could tell
Elle est belle

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I Fly 4 Life

I Fly 4 Life

I Fly 4 Life
I fly for the opportunity to live
I soar high above the earth on hope
I also understand what it feels like
To be tired
To be confused
To want to give up
But I don’t
I don’t ever give up
I found out that my smile
My smile soothes the spirit
It is received through the eyes
And goes right to the heart
I cry too
I Fly because of how I cry
Not why
I just fill up with so much
That it just leaks out
And it’s ok
I’m not the 1st
And I won’t be the last to cry
And I am aware that others care
People that don’t even know me feel for me
Not so strange strangers
Want to know
Where I get the strength
See, I stretch out my arms
Even if it’s when I close my eyes
And I float high above this earth
I head for the stars
I see above the clouds
I look at the sun
And I fell its heat on my face
And I remember
I Fly 4 Life
I fly to live
I fly for love
And my life makes me give
Over and over and over and over and over
So you too may live…
I fly 4 Life
I fly forever
We fly together…

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Must Still Have Some Worth

I don't mind when she lays on my shoulder and speaks to me about myself and my behavior
When she tells me of how my actions have hurt us and our future
I have learned to not negate what she says because i don't believe it
because if she is saying that she feels this then this is her truth
I don't mind when she raises her voice about issues that are serious for her
Even when i think she is over-exaggerating and being too extreme
I try to always reflect later on what took past between us to try and better address the situation
On the outside people would marginalize this to love
I feel that respect is greater than love because people hit the children they love
Grab the spouse they love and neglect them as a punishment
People don't speak to people they love for years over small things
But people always give people they respect room to grow
The benefit of doubt and the room to change for the better
I respect her mind so I listen to her thoughts
I respect her decisions so I try to partner mine with hers
When she is done talking and I have listened intently
I find that I am better because of the time I have taken
I learned more about myself by listen to the perception of me from someone I respect
Someone that I don't limit to love
Someone that stretches my boundaries to be greater
If I am angry about anything it is that I never got it before
I don't romanticize any past relationship errors that could be corrected
I appreciate this moment in time of my life
Everything changes
But every change does not make you better
More prepared for the fact that at some period and time in your life
You have more past and less future to look forward to having
So you have to enjoy her softness and character
And her character has to be what you live for as time and gravity weighs in
And understand that I an a handful
But I have a life of living to give
And if she wants to share it with me
Then I must still have some worth...


In a time when creativity and original ideas seem to be limited
Where loyalty has taken an all time low
Where you really have to be careful of whom you consider friends
And really evaluate those you feel are enemies

All experiences teach you lessons
What you retain has to make you better when you see this again

Pretend you share the same placenta as a thinker
That you evaluate yourself and your energies and what surrounds you
That you can explain all of your actions and reasons for all the things that you do

Pretend that you are deliberate with your speech
And that you think before you speak
And that you understand the repercussions of erroneous words
That you understand what is said and what is not said
And that you evaluate actions so a lot does not need be said

Pretend that in this placenta you feel the emotions of creator
And you have that burst of energy that pushes you past stale environments
Makes you seek the positive in the situation
And to give yourself encouragements because very few give you genuine feedback

Pretend all of the women that you have dealt with understand that if its over you can still speak
Their emotions don't have to overbear their sensibility to be around you
That they should see that you have accepted rejection before
And that rejection is not death to anything but rather life to new realities

Pretend you are a man and you have to let go of childish things
Move into more secured areas that allow your children to feel safe
Understand the the transition from boy to man is an unclear line with no time attached
Know that anger and hate don't qualify as justifications for violence
And that there is nothing as strong as gentleness
And nothing is as gentle as real strength
And you do not have to be a pacifist to not like war

Now get back into your own reality
And you can see why I keep cutting the umbilical

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Then We repent

My fast growing desire to be inside of my head to stay warm inside of heated thoughts of passion
The depths of the ending that never comes as many times as she sounds off into the universe for freedom
Her electricity powers my need to keep her captivated by the intensity of my interest and I turn black
I don't get green with envy, I stay black because I am the presence of every color and emotion
My inner being is deep enough to drown in and stay calm because you know some air will rise
Like I have for so many moons and so may suns that have rose and set in the horizon of us
I really am not ashamed of my lust for you and the strength in my arms contract like a boa around you
We suffocate because our kisses press our face and bodies close so we sweat and enter each other
Pourous is our love and we slowly seep into the unconsciousness and rest and peace of sleep and dance in each others dreams
Day dreams just as strong so I forget that I hate to leave the bed we share to go gather means to buy more tributes to my adoration of our images
I have to make room for more mirrors on our walls to catch us at more angles as we bathe in each others scent
Then we repent...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Love Them Both

My mind plays tricks on me

When I think I need to give up it pushes me on

When I think I have done all I can do

It lets me know I still have more in me

It helps me to ignore the maliciousness of those closest to me

The jealousy and envy they hold

When I feel I still have nothing

Slipping between the seconds as they get closer to infinity

I stand on small stones of resiliency

Holding the small ground I raised my expectations on as my island

Staying afloat to look like a mirage

Drink of this potion and intoxicate your life with my spirits

Hallucinations make people think they are perfect

Perfection is the final stages of life when there is no living left to do

It rests in smiles of children that really only love

Rarely know hate except in words repeated from adults they believe in

My mind plays tricks on me

Telling me I can no longer believe in men

I have to loose the "n" and only believe in me

Superficial is the love of a person that is still angry and won't forgive you

Won't ever let you grow from your old self and skin already shedded

Heading for a finite position

I now understand

That my mind is my best friend

I need to embrace her willingness to love me

Intermingle her sound judgement and fidelity

And weigh it against my self

For he still is basking in arrogance

And afraid to ask for direction

I am more akin to him than my mind

So presently

I still am lost

But one day I will listen to her and find my way

I love them both as I love myself

Friday, January 6, 2012

ged Selectively If we only could stay true to our commitments We would receive what we deserve Ultimately
oose to argue Why is it so hard to just live with This is just what this is... Its not for the kids Selfish does what selfish is What is sacred has chan
Half my day gone waiting on an I love you Half the time thinking maybe I should just tell you All the time that is said to be love Wasted because they ch