Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Monday, October 19, 2009

Quit Lying On Me


They told me to fellowship with them

They asked ME to their place of worship where we could share how we felt about the Lord

Where we could dialog and read the scriptures of the Bible and SHARE our discoveries

And everything was going great until I crossed the line with them and I did not agree...

I question the logic in them repeating these stories that have been in our possession for hundreds of years

And during these hundreds of years we have done nothing but loose, be beaten down and raped

Gutted and taken for all of our humanity

BUT God is good all the time and all the time God is good

Well, I wonder where the hell they live

Or what God we are talking about

The God I've always learned about loves you but He is NOT going to step in and get nobody off your back

He will let you suffer until your suffering becomes unpopular to the point that it's bad for business like the Civil Rights Movement

It was bad business for America to be exposed like that to the world

But it was worse business for all of the Blacks to unite to collectively give white folks all they money

They were singing "We shall overcome" when really they meant "We shall come over" and bring you all of our money...

See Mr. Charlie you have been sooo good to us that we have had to stand in lines for days while you sicked dogs on us

Sprayed us with water hoses and sent the police a beating on us

Made us eat in the back of the restaurants and sit on the back of the bus and now we are gonna get you back

We are going to turn our backs on our own thriving businesses and we are going to give all of our money to you

Cause you have been so good to us, I mean so bad to us, we are going to show you by making you so rich

And we are going to bankrupt our business just to show you

YOU can not tell me where to spend my cash

We see now when Blacks didn't have to drink out of that fountain no one else did either

The same went with our business, when we didn't support them no one else did either

How you like that now Mr. Charlie!?

Oh you moving?

Moving where?

Ahhh Ha ha... into the suburbs

Well you go on cause now WE are all going to get your old houses

And the police are going to stay away

And crime is going to increase

And values are going to go down

Until you and your folk get tired of driving so far and you regentrificate

And fumigate all the stupid little Negros that thought they would show you

True, true, true

Now the church fellowships bigger

And they buy all the property up in the hood next to your houses

Now your property taxes have to go up because the church and its businesses are tax free

So now look what the Lord done did for you and me

We work harder to get less out of our labor and property

And you too can be a part of all of this...

Unless you do not agree with going along with this program

Twist scripture to have the preacher think that as a representative of Jesus on earth

The preacher needs a top of the line BMW and his wife needs a designer purse

And all of the parishioners should show how good God has blessed them

Come to service showing off your material blessings from your spiritual feedings

And if you are still impoverished then your ministry is weak

So to speak your hustle is not strong


Well, I saw this on a T-Shirt out west and I feel it is the most honest of things I think Jesus would do with all the blaspheming going on

All the lies that church folks have been telling us since we were a child

Like Jesus is God, implying that he endorsed the Bible when he did no such thing

They want us to think that God in the flesh was talking to God in the spirit when jesus was on the cross saying

FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do

But at least it is still true to what they believe with no proof

Right, he rarely said any words in the Bible

Jesus was definitely NOT a Christian

It's like from the jump the Bible tests your logic

It reads there is only Adam and Eve, Cain and Able

Cain kills Able then moves to the land of Nod

Knows his wife and has a son Enoch

Huh? Is this his sister? Where did she come from and when?

And this is how the Bible begins

Most all of the complete text is hearsay

Nothing you could ever go to court on, except in your imaginary court

In your imaginary places to act like we are not ACTUALLY falling behind

Imaginarily you say we should bear this cross and get our salvation when we die

My reply is your religion and your fellowship has got you too dumb and too high

So I agree with the T-Shirt and I believe what it says is true

If Jesus would return right now - what would Jesus do

I feel he would slap the shit out of you on GP

And tell all of you so-called believers

Quit lying on me

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