Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Friday, January 28, 2011

Isometric Isolation

No matter what you say people will believe what they want
So I choose not to say anything to any rendition
What some people will do to keep away competition
What some people will do to the weak mind

I find myself in an isometric isolation
For standing by what I believe
For saying that we all have a voice
And we all deserve to be heard

I am use to gossip
It plagues me like taxes
And I know there is nothing you can do about either
See I keep moving and growing
So they always have something to talk about
I united my haters into organization
But their foundation is on sand
Based on fragile emotions and treachery
Now they pay for their homage and lack of loyalty and unity
With empty promises and jaded fronts
Adding to their biggest handicap
An ego with no work behind it
Wherever you find it
Run from it fast as you can

I am the best me I can be at all times, period
I don't want to be you
And you can never be me
Put your pride aside and get an agenda
Keep it and occupy yourself with it
Its unattractive

When the pen hits the paper and we talk about the practical
There is a devision of power
And it has been written
The ability to include and exclude reveals itself to reflect who has it
Rabid is the rhetoric
The respect is in the integrity of the work
The ability to fill empty rooms and minds with ideas and feelings
To want someone to leave better
Especially if the someone is yourself
See the ugliness of love is that when you give it
It does not have to be returned
And going to that point of vulnerability
Only opens you up to be questioned why you loved at all in the first place
People only listen to strangers
If they would have listened to you and your requests
You two would still be together
Now they are grasping for straws
They do not want the truth that they had ample chances and forgiveness
And they chose the result that they have now

Responsibility is a burden that most people do not want to carry
They live in the accolades of warm markets and crowds
When will they learn to not confuse the love of their family
With the delivery of their product
Constant mediocrity is just that
Mumbo jumbo
But the consumer has become infatuated with the less
And become full on a bad diet of garbage
So they no longer can distinguish the toxic and medicinal
So I guess since good is the enemy of great
Your enemies enemy is your friend
And your enemies friends are your enemies
You have to be your own barometer
And reflect what they project on you back to them
They like to dish it out and not receive it
What you put out on the planet you shall receive it
Most folks only say what they heard I said from what somebody else said
And they say they believe it
Unless its something positive about me
Then they say they would have to hear and see that for themselves

We come in and go out alone
So when I am not here physically
I will leave you with work to last for eternity
So you will never be without me
And you will never be lonely
I can be your champion if you let me
I can take on all comers
I saw what happened to Martin and Malcolm
I see how you treat the Chairman
I see how people acclimate to light in adoration
Deifying the flesh without permission

A wise man told me once
When I finally woke up he was sleep
So peep game
The circle has continued

And now I feel the same...

No matter what you say people will believe what they want
So I choose not to say anything to any rendition
What some people will do to keep away competition
What some people will do to the weak mind

I find myself in an isometric isolation
For standing by what I believe
For saying that we all have a voice
And we all deserve to be heard

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