Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Saturday, April 9, 2011

For Those That Know

For those that know

Brutal is what it can be
Gentle to those that are not looking
Easy to those that are not in it

It's hard to get in
It's hard to get out
Many try to be a part of it
Many speak about it
But few truly know it

A lot of people say they got it
But most just look like they got it
A lot of people run from it
And most of the time once you in it
You realize it's too much...

See from the outside it does not look complex
But there are layers upon layers of instinctive patterns
The exterior ambiguous as to not define the essential
Silence is golden in any field
But here it is necessary
I appeal to you to be stand up and not tell her
Everything here is need to know
Slow to show your hand at every level
This is the devil's baby
Shaitaun's lady
God's advocate
Here is where all prayers are driven from
Forbidden in some instances
The holiest of virtues here is your word
And you all can recognize each other on sight
I've seen the worry overcome some
And leaving it still never being considered an option

This is Alpha and Omega
The beginning and end
We hold these truths to be self evident
That all evidence is immaterial
Don't take my picture
And don't ask too many questions
Being suspect can be suspect and a reason to move
Everyday you may have to prove you still belong here
I learned to do then say
You can check for it yourself
Solid on all levels; all heads call me to this day
All the ones alive and well in their senses
I pray for those not here
And hold hope for those that have yet to return
I ask God for understanding
Because its man that is confused
Man that goes through these mantras of self
Meditation for mediation
My foundation been on a square
Rotating my diamond still lets me shine and reflect
Expected to take the next to the next
As an agreement to be an architect
Building on more than the ex
Factor that into your mix
What do I care about your preferences, gender or politics
This is the place I learned about diversity, equal opportunity and unity
The only place I saw justice come and go and most run from the wet spots

Where the seasoned vets talk in parables with meaning
"Son... give out ... don't give up"
"Hell, a fish can't get caught if it don't open its mouth"
"When you finally woke up... I was sleep"
"Getting emotional can get you what you came for..."
"It's never about a woman but it's always about a woman"
"If you coming for me... you better bring your lunch"
"Use your head for more than a hat rack"
"Next time you look... open your eyes"
"Most arrive and leave blind"
"Higher self must master lower self to distinguish man from beast"

See I learned not to trust in an interest of self
Open people are their own worst enemy and a fool believes he has none

Here just like anywhere
Follow the dollar to follow the power
There is more to life than it
But here most of us are not concerned by any of that
So we buy enough things to keep us distracted
And know the price on every person here unrehearsed
We all have come here to prey at this alter
And become numb and preconditioned to accept pain as a constant
A hell of a life for any man woman child
Husband wife concubine mistress or mister
And I've been many to some and none to many
And plenty of bills been paid by it
College seats filled from it
Churches built on it
In the name of this

Most hope their children don't follow them here
But if they do...
They help whip their asses too

It's just the way it is...
See the only way you can find out
Is you have to live it...

Across all genders
Only the weak talk about it
Those true to it can only be about it

It's not open to speak about
There ain't no room to show

And like I said before

It's only for those that know

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