Marquette Beach Gary

Marquette Beach Gary
Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Kelechukwu on Flickr taken by Benjamin Virgo

She As Light by Kelechukwu "Vinny Roofe Remix" for the S.L.O. Mixtapepress play to hear poem

Saturday, November 19, 2011

She exists in me

Asymmetrical to the heavens walking in flesh and the sun bearing children inside of tears of joy
The universe emptied its energy into a cosmos and reminded me life is worth living still
Her beauty reproduced in the eyes and whispers of envious limbs that support other women
Trying to be a part of some sort of Divine order in a godless world is where I met her
In the brief moments that divide seconds before they cluster into time infinitum
I was reminded that a human can reach the levels of angels and hang in the clouds effortlessly
As long as the vision is pure and from the soul and leveled with the fear of our mortality
Understanding that time is slow and fast and a man made concept of how to capture moments
So time is not real, sleep is not real, I recognize neither when she and I are intertwined
Apart from her I look at the sun and moon when I wake and gaze at our eyes past reflection
My senses magnified by anticipation of the thought of the scent of the wind passing her skin
The study of the stimulation of the memory of the nerves delivery from the touch of a single lash of her eye
The earth rotates its axis back and forth to move the wind as she bends
Immeasurable is her affect on this planet as her menstruation keeps the sky regular and cleansed
Her past belief in other guys lies reassure the hope of some truth coming in this reality
Where hustlers pass blame to those hustled for not recognizing they were being played
Where the power of love and dedication make trust a five letter word that equals to blindness
I respect her minds decisions as well as her body's reaction to outside influences
So her aborted fetuses resupply the pool for old souls so new life can continue
Her open eyes show the optimism of anything being possible as recuperation from any pain
I have licked her wounds with her and offered my vulnerability to her as a strength by submission
And I am not submissive
I have just learned follow the natural order of my head and listen twice as much as I speak
Her interpretation of my life's past delivery shows me why I have not been fruitful
Mainly because I have not been truthful or faithful to anyone or my self
She radiates and illuminates my dark thoughts until they no longer exist
She is an amalgamation of thoughts and experiences of every woman that has pass before me
Spoke to, hugged, loved or hated me, engaged me and or ignored me
I created these ideas inside of a vacuum of loneliness when it was her that showed me
There has always been a difference between being lonely and being alone
Being alone can give me more time to reflect on myself and just breathe and listen to what the earth is saying
It can also be a reality for me even when I am in a committed relationship because there is no communication
So many couples look so good on paper but inside they are unhappy
She has shown me happiness once again past the gossip of insecure women and effeminate men
The closeness of a good woman is the equivalence of a very great friend that wants whats best for you
She is not a sexual object for your pleasure never to be served and never to be pleased
Every time she serves me I try to serve her right back but better, longer and stronger
I won't fall into the cycle and wait for her to initiate before I participate again
I'll let her know that I have been waiting on her and how important she has been in my life using words not just actions
I've been thinking about her and how I would show her I have missed her since she was last in my presence with words and actions
I want to embrace her in a way physically, mentally and spiritually to show her my incompleteness without her
How I like to kiss her so softly that every groove on her fingerprint is a loving labyrinth
Leading to the rest of her body's bounty and no matter where my face finds itself
My eyes and my attention are deeply imbedded into the sight of her as she lay in my arms thoroughly satisfied that I exist in her
And my behavior when I am in places alone should reflect how much she exists in me...
Constantly connecting through the universe monitoring my actions that she is more important to me than any mistake I would need to apologize for
And I am strong enough to not allow anyone to take away or interrupt the sanctity where we last left and my body has her last touch
So even in my demise the last time that I would rise and fall would be in and for her so she would always retain the last of me
As I would hold my last intimate moments with her for my infinity
In heaven as in the earth - she'd exist in me

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The earth births and shares until its over
Memories make sure that it never is
Dig that...

I still hear your voice
I still see your face
I still understand this pressure we all face

The strength to continue and overcome
I will tap into
Until I see you again...

My friend

Saturday, October 1, 2011

D Day 2011

So my man is dead by his own hands
But was it by his own means
Seems to me that this could have been what someone dreamed about
No doubt
Doubt has let me into thinking why
But that is a fools guess
In a corner with his brains splattered he lay
They say from a rifle
After he wrote out his will on paper
With his mother in the next room

So my man killed himself
And plenty believe he is going straight to hell
As if we are not living in it now
As if the devil is not fucking with us daily
God willing

So he took his life
Or changed forms by his own will
I say if you have the will to live
You can have the will to die
You can have the will to die in your free will as a man
And execute your self
Say fuck you to the bill collector
And the rest of the pests
That are left with no answers like me...

So I feel he is free
I don't say he is going to hell
I say he is leaving hell
And vindictive no good humans
That show many faces and are full of shit
He is leaving here and may or may not come back
May or may not haunt the living forever
Wherever he fits he will

He is gone in the physical
But lives forever
Every time I remember him
So parts of him will stay in hell
Oh well

New Lows

Evidentially the standards of decency have been lowered
I have had pictures of genitals sent to me that were not mine
I was told of sexual acts she was going to perform on others
Now she takes a call whispering as if I am to be bothered
Well, I am not
I don't expect much from any person that is trying to buy a person
Of course I prepare any woman to be a freak for the masses
Especially after she has been in my classes
What makes a woman ugly is whats inside of her
No schooling and degrees can give any woman class
Life makes women break things and cuss and text and call out of control
I used to look at old movies we made thinking about the time
Now I try to look for any traces of her face, body or essence
And delete them and cleanse and move on
I change around every room that touched her
I cleanse my children of her memory
Its too early in the morning to do anything but sleep
But tomorrow I will get further from this stain on my existence
I need new business cards and I need to change my cell
Everything here is old
Including thoughts of being civil with monsters
New lows

Sunday, September 4, 2011


My confusion sets in with the well wishers rhetoric but lack of support
Am I as big of a fool as it seems
No soul in this body to be bled anymore
What kind of disrespect should be tolerated
Silence myself before my words can be twisted
I'm sick of teaching you new ways to be me

No one has any love for the truth anymore
Only great presentations of falsehood and mockery
Destroying the essence of what it is to be true original and honest

Why do people lie when they can hurt you just as bad with the truth
Sucking my blood and eating off of me requires I stay alive
As you try to take all of the life out of me
As if this won't erupt again
As if my pen and my thoughts should stay complacent
Adjacent to salvation is removal of the source

Rehearse your imitation
Feminine acting men disrespecting the definition
No Nzingah strength
Just devious plagerizim
Get off my dick
Life is gansta and its about to come out
Let's dance because the moves are brutal
And this is futile and non productive
Jack yourself
Whack your self
I'm sick of mediocre showing up trying to be me

I'm sick of people lying to me when the truth is just as bad
Funny when you realize
What you were enjoying
You never had
Not even half
Nothing can change the anger when its comfortable can it
Nothing can make it possible to understand
Laugh now
because it is all unplanned

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oxymoronic Pedagogy

The transfer of words into ideas spread like leprosy
Contaminating my mind and spilling thru my consciousness
Disturbing my silence and desire to not write
My inactivity not as interesting as activity
Simply finding the hole to fill begins electricity
Specifically the charge to not want to remember
To want to seep into other planes of myself
Cracked and beaten by life
Brused but not shaken
Historically, these ideas are too abstract to be formed into words
And everybody has already heard them
Illusions seems friendly now
When the real world lets you down
Crowning kings of false gold
Stories told in whispers by liars
Doing all things simultaneously together with empty hands
And full feelings
In tune to the universe of selflessness
Being birth continually until we return to the inquiry of interest
Less than cosmic but popular
Because no one wants there to be nothing after death
A lonely start
To a lonely ending
One shot at it all
Crushes egos and makes reincarnation interesting
You used to be something else in another life
You are not your self
That newborn baby has been here before
Oxymoronic pedagogy
Hopeless pathology
Silence - sloppy
Here I'll stop me
Still my children love me above everything else
Except themselves
Here is to their health and mentality
Hoping they will always stay free
Above you
And above me
Is God ever lonely
Especially when everyone that talks to God never helps God
They only try to help themselves
Better understand everything around them
That can never be understood
Life is a slow death
A competition we readily wake
Even though everyone that truly wants to stay here forever
Will always loose
There are no vampires except for the lecherous people
They prey on each others weakness
Everlasting life is conversational at most
There are no ghosts
No spirits or gifts
Just mind trips
Thank you for riding with me this time...

Friday, July 29, 2011

People Don't Care

I truly believe now that people don't care
The things we have been brought to think are sacred
Don't mean anything

People are into the moment
There is not critical assessment of social means

People want you to work for free
In the name of friendships
But friends should want to compensate you for your work

If I make it look easy then it is not worth compensation

Morality is out of the window
Roles that are yours like father are undercut by boyfriends
Who gives there child to the ward of another person?
Where do they do that?

People don't care

Care is a lost concern with terms like community and decency

Is there any hope for the future except that they will end like the present and past

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Afro Blue - Pick My Brain

Afro Blue - Pick My Brain (Another piece inspired by Hajjimus Prime's track Afro'z)

In I go indigo never ignorant
Indiscriminate anti-indigent ingredient
Militant when muted
Mind unpolluted
So I remember my heart beats
Like a djimbe or Congo
From the horn of Africa
Blown into the rhythmless Americas
On ships i rocked
Made waves
As we paved ways of free men
Forced to be slaves
Escaped and became indian braves

Buffalo soldiers on angel wings
Leaving angel dust
Showing open toed footprints
Walking away from culture
I represent the melanin of many men
Running from the fed and state pen
Where they try to say my kind will be ending
Unless we pretend we don't represent
Where all life begins
At the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro
Follow why they know all of I be related
I be Lucy's blood relative
The Hottenot female with extended rear
That shadowed over her path
Scrutinized by strangers
But Mendel let your secret out
Genes don't get darker
They get lighter
When mixed
They dilute in strength and content
But worse than humanity
It hurts and hits harder
When it affects the mentality
The Black Man Fallacy

My wealth has to be stealth
My health depends on how i resist
And look like I'm conceding
Bleeding you slow until unconscious
I stay conscious
Waiting on my opportunity to strike
In the name of my ancestors
I stay restless
Kum Apem Ah Apem Beba
When you kill millions
Millions more will come
Pamoja Tutashinda
Together we shall win

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Portable Solutions

Technology has become affordable
And let me be recordable and portable
Available anywhere there is a will
And an ear to make it clear
People can take it with
If you can't remember the solution
You can store it on you your device as a gif
Jpeg, pdf and make the MF
Quit making BMs and BDs
And slide it to the VLs and GDs
Bloods and Crips
Gangstas, Thugs and Nerds
All at one time simultaneously
With a fast blast full of DNA
Decoded Natural Agression
At a system of fools in control of who lives and dies
See we perform suicide not so revolutionary
Daily I see the spirit sacrificed
For the material made of something already expired
Giving life for death
Filling our lungs and our lives with poison
Disrespecting breath
Tragic the devil never seems to be asthmatic
Its only the gods and earths that hold their jewels
But we all should just throw our seeds
For its not for us to know
What will be watered
Or decide to take root
Nor what time it will grow

Friday, May 20, 2011

In Search Of...

In search of a good woman
That understands that I am a good man
One that will not try and dictate who I should be
But one that accepts me as I do her
A single woman
I do not want another mans woman
Because she is another mans woman
I want a woman that can love me for who I am
Not a woman that wants me to turn into who she wants me to be
I resolve now that I surely have not met her yet
The next time I meet a woman
I am going to take all the mess that I have been through
And learn from it this time
I am sure I have overstayed my welcome here
Nothing is going right
And no matter what I do I am not happy
I have those thoughts again
And I need to be strong for my children
I need to be strong for myself
I can't trust anyone anymore
This is depressing

In search of a new way of living
Wonder if God is really mad at me for being me
I try so much to give to people and help
But it seems like I am not getting any help
I made concessions before to move for love
Now I hate that decision because I no longer am safe
I close the deal and get the job and I am told to leave
I work harder than ever and still get worse results
I keep having those thoughts again
And I can't do that to anyone
This is my fault
I have to take ownership
I am alone because I will not take shit
And this is fine for me
Nobody I want wants me
Nor do I trust the ones that say they want me
For what
What do they want
Why are they here
Why am I even writing
Who wants to read or hear this
This is so personal but all out in other peoples conversations
They don't fucking know me

Nosy ass witches trying to cast spells on me
Wishing me the worst luck
I will prosper
But for now I have to disappear
Because I am in search of something better
A better place where people respect me
And respect that I can do what is right
And know I do not throw around words like I love you
Nor do i spend my time with people that are not special to me
So here we go
Changing numbers
Changing addresses
And leaving everything behind
In search of something better
A place that may not exist
As I question the worth of my existence to more than my seeds
My son would miss me
My mother would miss me
Everyone else would just pass on the story of who they thought I was
Which I probably was not
I don't need the spotlight
I don't need the stage
I am so sick of being surrounded by greedy people
I am so sick of hearing empty promises
These fucking people just want to bitch
They just want to complain
They just want to live in theory
They don't want to do shit to change their own situations
So I'm done wasting my time on them and this idea of us
Do I even care if anyone remembers me
I surrounded by so many selfish people
Complaining about nothing as I loose everything
Ha Ha I can only laugh
And understand that I am on this path for a reason
A reason that I am in search of
Because I really do not know
I don't want to be patronized
I really need to close this down and spend some time alone...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I better understand lives like yours

You demonstrate a lack of willingness

To accept the individuality of others

Something inside you smothers your humanity

Your humility absent because you don’t feel loved

You were abused – raised in the dark

And my light shines so bright

You frown as so not to drown

In your own inadequacies

You sink deeper into groupthink

You are toughest when you are with others

Alone I exhibit more strength than any group

Decide my own direction until perfection

When you or your group start doing what I do

I must be doing something else

In order to stay fresh – and you need me

Your existence is so gray and archaic

Someone told you that pushing me would hurt me

And it would make you feel better

But all it did was help me become stronger

The longer you harass me

The weaker you become

I become numb to your name-calling

I loose all desire to be around you

Or anyone else like you

I grow a distain for anyone

Or anything that condones your type of behavior

We cannot have the same Savior

My God can never be that abusive

I felt alone everyday

Inside my home I closed the door

And I’d go deeper inside of me

I won’t hide inside of my pride

To stoop to homo or suicide

But don’t push me

You love to say “or what!”

“What are you going to do about it!”

Well, I am going to remain who I am

And gain strength while you

Disappear into nothingness

The older we get the better you used to be

The better I am currently

I will travel this planet and see

That the whole world loves someone like me

I was born with natural leadership qualities

You say you know people

People say they know me

And publically or silently

They always admire my ability to be free

I better understand lives like yours now

You used to chase me home

You and your friends used to make life hard

The older we get the more of you

Are now behind bars

The older we get the less respected

All of you have become

You all used to be so cool

Now you all look so dumb

You made me an outsider

So now of course I’m not here for acceptance

Every time I perform

I am having creative conversations with my Creator

Of which I’ve given you permission to listen

Multifaceted we are – painting pictures

Painting pictures actual or abstract

But always graphic

And I would love for you to love it

But if you don’t I rise above it

See the drama and the trauma that I went through

Makes me never covet any acceptance from you

Through all of life’s complications

I put together bits and pieces of my life as presentations

To the resilience of human manifestations of triumph

Someone you picked on as a nobody

Now I am a GIANT

“I’m 20 feet tall”

And I don’t mess with you at all

But if you mess with me

You’ll soon see my ability

To remove all noise from my life

To find my harmony

Yes I am that little boy from Catholic school

The one you said only had

1 shirt, 1 tie and 1 pair of pants

The one you would not let be

Until I learned that the only one

I could depend on to fight for me

Is me

So Bully

I better understand lives like yours now

So I’ll dedicate this life of mine

To let the children know they are safe

And there are more of their kind than yours

And our job won’t be done

Until the last child tells a bully

You will leave me alone

I am no longer afraid of you

There are people here that understand me

And will protect me if you continue

So I refuse to run!

Look out world here I come!

See I better understand live like yours now

And it’s time

You better understood




To help in assisting in preventing bullying check this website

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It Continues

I continually get disrespected by people that I trusted
This continually let's me know that I do not think as much about myself as I should
I know people say I have a big ego
People say I am full of myself
It is truly these people that do not know me
I have a big heart
I am just not a fool
People confuse poet and punk
Because I am in the arts folks think I won't fight
I don't like to fight
Rarely start them but I am determined to finish them
I don't bother people
I really dont want to be bothered by them
I stay in my lane and do my thing
And do me
I must look stupid to people around me
I must look like I dont work hard
I am unorganized or I can't take care of business
I can take care of business
I just watch what people say and what they dont say
Watch what they do and what they dont do
People tell you a lot about them under pressure
Most can't take it
And then try and bring you in on their short comings
Not me
I'd rather start over and keep it moving
Or just continue on my destiny

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Magic Box

That magic box holds notes as quotes
In reverence to strokes
Sliding scales of her frequencies
My tendons limber
And its been weeks since I felt her lips
I grab her face when I kiss her
So they poke out
How I like it when she pouts
Her eyes roll back in her head
We would think she is dead
If it weren't for the things she said
She says my name
And other phrases like
OMG - what is this
My name
Hold it I can't breathe
My name
See I know its a game asthma or not
If you saying anything you can breathe
So I keep it going deeply
She loves it when I kiss her breasts
She even kisses them too
They are uniquely shaped
And they fit in my mouth
I miss her tongue
Her sucking me
I miss her strong grip
And her acknowledging how good it is
"How good it is..."
"How good it is..."
"How good it is..."
"How God he is..."
I hear in my head
So am I zoning over all that has put me in a zone
I may not speak to her again
I may speak to her again
"The sex is blazing"
"And it's so amazing"
But can the relationship compare
We will always let us sabotage us
Some tricks in her magic box
Make me disappear
But only physically
I have penetrated deeper than her ear
Left competing memories
Then again...
I may just think too much of myself
Abbra Cadabbra tho
Onto another bro
I know they still call
They never fully let they exes ever go
If they told you a name
Or they remember them easily
They bring back their spirits
Saying they only have a few intimate
Numbers go down on presentation
Go up in discovery
I never think about them when I'm in her
I never thought about them before I touched her
I never thought about them after she came
The vanishing various influences on her vagina
After she got caught in my rhythm...

Listen to the music

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brian Stow

A blow to Brian Stow
Let the world know
You can be a fan
Just don't be fanatical

It's not practical
But it's factual
As American as baseball and apple pie
Is violence

Just like the silence
Against the evidence
Of this selfish act
That was senseless

So presently since he has lost his voice
Because of his choice of teams
I'll speak out against this nightmare
While he dreams

We are close in age
Both with daughter and son
You shouldn't be afraid to go to a game
Because we are for different sides, I shouldn't have to run

And this is not for play
And nothing we can say
Can take the actions away
What they live with today

What they did to another family
Could have happened to you or me
Currently we want him to be strong
We want him to hold on

This was about baseball
Now its about humanity
Wherever an innocent person falls
Its affects you and me

No child should hope their parent remembers them
No parent should be in a position to loose their child
No person that knows any of the aggressors should harbor them
The conscious of one of you should be running wild

We have all had our emotions overcome us
Some in joy and some in grief
We all should respect the teams we love
What has happened here is beyond belief

No matter how we try
We will find no reason why
Hopefully we can see our selves and our own lives
When we see a passerby

Monday, April 11, 2011

Love As A Breeze

If I had the nerve or the strength to get inside of myself and push

Make me be quiet and listen to the rhythm of the wind

Maybe then I could begin to understand that loosing myself in you

Would be the best destination for my quest to become a new

A different vibration is what love has to be

Through the chaos of the day I should comfort you

If only in thought because distance has no barriers on love

Every hue is magnified inside of it as if we glow together stronger than the sun

Your radiation amplifies as I close my eyes to remember why I feel

It is only necessary to transfer a sense of your being

All tenses, present, past and future reflect the possibility

What you mean to me is more than the atom to life

Less complex than the science behind the molecules of the fear of loosing you

Bonded together in foreverness before the power of we or us can be forgotten

I will transform myself into something powerful and remember

Time shall be obedient to this kiss of eternal magic in tanden as we dream

Of being close and together again in flesh or spirit

Shhhh… there are no words that can define a love Divine

It only caresses the naked body as it moves through space as a breeze

Saturday, April 9, 2011

For Those That Know

For those that know

Brutal is what it can be
Gentle to those that are not looking
Easy to those that are not in it

It's hard to get in
It's hard to get out
Many try to be a part of it
Many speak about it
But few truly know it

A lot of people say they got it
But most just look like they got it
A lot of people run from it
And most of the time once you in it
You realize it's too much...

See from the outside it does not look complex
But there are layers upon layers of instinctive patterns
The exterior ambiguous as to not define the essential
Silence is golden in any field
But here it is necessary
I appeal to you to be stand up and not tell her
Everything here is need to know
Slow to show your hand at every level
This is the devil's baby
Shaitaun's lady
God's advocate
Here is where all prayers are driven from
Forbidden in some instances
The holiest of virtues here is your word
And you all can recognize each other on sight
I've seen the worry overcome some
And leaving it still never being considered an option

This is Alpha and Omega
The beginning and end
We hold these truths to be self evident
That all evidence is immaterial
Don't take my picture
And don't ask too many questions
Being suspect can be suspect and a reason to move
Everyday you may have to prove you still belong here
I learned to do then say
You can check for it yourself
Solid on all levels; all heads call me to this day
All the ones alive and well in their senses
I pray for those not here
And hold hope for those that have yet to return
I ask God for understanding
Because its man that is confused
Man that goes through these mantras of self
Meditation for mediation
My foundation been on a square
Rotating my diamond still lets me shine and reflect
Expected to take the next to the next
As an agreement to be an architect
Building on more than the ex
Factor that into your mix
What do I care about your preferences, gender or politics
This is the place I learned about diversity, equal opportunity and unity
The only place I saw justice come and go and most run from the wet spots

Where the seasoned vets talk in parables with meaning
"Son... give out ... don't give up"
"Hell, a fish can't get caught if it don't open its mouth"
"When you finally woke up... I was sleep"
"Getting emotional can get you what you came for..."
"It's never about a woman but it's always about a woman"
"If you coming for me... you better bring your lunch"
"Use your head for more than a hat rack"
"Next time you look... open your eyes"
"Most arrive and leave blind"
"Higher self must master lower self to distinguish man from beast"

See I learned not to trust in an interest of self
Open people are their own worst enemy and a fool believes he has none

Here just like anywhere
Follow the dollar to follow the power
There is more to life than it
But here most of us are not concerned by any of that
So we buy enough things to keep us distracted
And know the price on every person here unrehearsed
We all have come here to prey at this alter
And become numb and preconditioned to accept pain as a constant
A hell of a life for any man woman child
Husband wife concubine mistress or mister
And I've been many to some and none to many
And plenty of bills been paid by it
College seats filled from it
Churches built on it
In the name of this

Most hope their children don't follow them here
But if they do...
They help whip their asses too

It's just the way it is...
See the only way you can find out
Is you have to live it...

Across all genders
Only the weak talk about it
Those true to it can only be about it

It's not open to speak about
There ain't no room to show

And like I said before

It's only for those that know

Friday, April 8, 2011

Play With Suicide

Well this is the time when I need to stay tough
And be steadfast because I know and hear the eagerness
I can since the happiness of the outside when they think I'm stressed
When it appears that all is going down and chaotic
What they do not know is that I was born in chaos
And I stand my strongest when the world presses against me
I play with suicide but its just a means to an end
A whole card that never speaks to you again if you take him up on it
I've seen what it does to the body collective
People only talk for 2 weeks when you die
Then its on to the embellishing and exaggeration
Every partner I had that killed himself was unhappy about something
Every partner I have that has not killed himself is unhappy about something
I just don't think the trauma that my guys wanted to send out to the universe happened
Most of us could not understand it and a lot thought it was stupid
YahYah said he was not weak enough nor was he strong enough to kill himself
He said a person has to resolve that there is no other solution in the universe for them but death
Death being the only solution?
Death to yourself?
And what if that only amplified the voices in their heads?
What if they were in inertia and could not get out because they killed themselves
What if they had to relive the moment over, and over and over
We rarely talk about it
But none of us forget it
And we all have a reference for knowing someone that did it

Ideologically I killed myself several times
And now I resurrect my dead self over and over
To be placed in a better scope of light for the future, right
I have to hoist the magical parts differently
The truth is...
If you kill yourself
No one cares...

Going Through My Memories

I miss my friend and her smile
So many things behind her eyes lie
So fragile her body
But strong is her spirit
I really want her to be happy
I really wish for her to be happy
I really hope to someday help
She makes me think about other than my self

I miss my friend and her smile
She is so very nice
Why does she go through so much and say so little
Her body and her hands
Are in scale to all her heart holds
She has to get healthy and come back around
Not because I'm selfish
It would just be good to see some good in this hood

I miss my friend and her smile
And I know I am not alone
But I am talking about my experience with her
I expect great things in life
I expect her to share in them
And if I never told my friend
I want to let her know I care

See I miss my friend and her smile
And even if it takes her a while
I have memories to hold on to
So I don't have to miss her totally
I can watch videos
I can watch pictures
I can remember her sleeping on a road trip
I can remember and I with our other friend trippin
I can remember my son's affection to her
So I have a lot of things to go back to

When I miss her

Thursday, March 31, 2011

When The Present Can Not

There are times
When the best things come from bad judgement
And Times when the future explains
What the present sometimes
Can not

Monday, March 21, 2011

X Chromosome

Her mortality confused her purity
To me the venom
Is the ability to perish
And or to kill

Will or spirit amplified through one thing we all share

Her defiance allows us to stand for something
As we were all female first then received our sex
Although we run from the sensitivity

Love is not feminine
War is not masculine

Conflict is asexual
Vey intellectual and needed for advancing
The balance of reason
With the eloquence of speech
Adds to confusion

Our weaknesses turn us to agreement
Looking for like minds
So we can hide inside of our commonality

Its this very weakness
That opens us up for exploitation
And imitation in admiration

But no progress shall come from duplication
Unless the duplication is the desire to create
Or the desire to do something better
To be greater than we ever were
Or greater than we ever have been

See the sin comes from thinking
The people are ignorant
It's apparent in their choices
Their actions in private
How they lust for wealth and glamor
And how they hate to work for anything

How they ask you for your opinion
But really only want you to tell them
They did a good job
Or that they were interesting
When really they were boring
And most people do not pay attention to them

See on the stage
They try to become comfortable with the attention
But they were never popular
Rarely were accepted
Always wanted to be accepted
And thought because you were popular
This feeling is what you had all along

Whereas popularity
Brings too much familiarity
Because someone knows of you
They sometimes create these relationships
Between you and them that only exist in their world
A world you are not privy to
But you are a part of none the less
I guess

This X

Being the basis of our structure
Our life
Like an elder's advice seldom adhered to

Like all of the life problems
We all go through
The unpredictability of whats coming next

Like what do you believe in more
God or sex
And I say that for people
Who sex more than they pray
And then look confused at how their life got that way

Don't believe it when they say
They want a man that is strong
They want a man that will follow
Their lead
Their program
Their advice

The world likes to make the strong men pay
Their truth
Their conscience
Their belief
Is not welcome

And they will punish you

Be unjust to you in front of peers
Show the other workers the price to pay for disobedience
Look what you conscience got you this time Kelechukwu
No vacation
No employment
No pay

And what can I say
Do you think I don't ned the money
Do you think I don't accumulate debt
Do you think I eat for free
I just don't let the world see what comes over me

Family don't give a damn
They want their money
Family would rather house, cloth and feed a stranger
Than assist you in any way
I guess you have had your day

And any time you accomplish anything
They have the smiley face
But I never forget my place
Nor forget that its not my place

We are all on a fine timeline defined by the X

See I was on a quest
To find something we all shared
So we could all come together
Have some common ground

Well consider the common ground found
Things may really be worse than they appear

Because it appears that commonly

None of us really cares

Her mortality confused her purity
To me the venom
Is the ability to perish
And or to kill

Will or spirit amplified through one thing we all share

Her defiance allows us to stand for something
As we were all female first then received our sex
Although we run from the sensitivity

Love is not feminine
War is not masculine

Conflict is asexual
Vey intellectual and needed for advancing
The balance of reason
With the eloquence of speech
Adds to confusion

Our weaknesses turn us to agreement
Looking for like minds
So we can hide inside of our commonality

Its this very weakness
That opens us up for exploitation
And imitation in admiration

But no progress shall come from duplication
Unless the duplication is the desire to create
Or the desire to do something better
To be greater than we ever were
Or greater than we ever have been

The End

Mind Control

You can not control my thoughts
My mind is a weapon

Truth vs Love

The love of truth vs the truth of love is
Your heart betrays your mind
To save you from pain
That never goes away anyway

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Night Watcher

Hajjimus Prime - Night Watcher
Inspiring poetry by
Kelechukwu Brnfre

I saw my eyes dim
Headlights reflected off of New Tims
Alley Rocks getting Kicked and sold
The streets so cold
The street light illuminate what the streets hold
Everyone's worst fear
Is what's coming this year
I-65 connect respect
Genetics and wisdom prophetics
My poetry energetic
Over beats kinetic
See, You leave the G
But the G don't leave you
Over Dosed
Ode to Dilla
Delaney to Do' Milla
5th Av to 94
Turn corners slow
Now you know how we hold
Born under the same area code
Coding areas read and blue
Left and right respectfully
Started in the G
Going world wide
Cause the wide world just got slim
Hustals got a new anthem
As we enhancing the planet
Damn it
Don't take my people for granted
If it can be done
We can do it together
Won't get consumed
As we watch the moon
Turn to the sun
As we refuse to loose
And keep shining like one
The road has just begun
Reflecting my light as I write
Nod your head up and down
In agreement that the beats' nice
Here's some free advice
Keep watching us
As we bring thoughts to life
Some meaning from knowledge born
Until we pay the ultimate price
With our life
We can still go on
Eternally in your dome
My mind is double action automatic
And much more lethal than your chrome
Hajj- let your beat take 'em home
The Night Watcher

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Ugliest Of Them All

What type of person uses their influence against what they produce
Forces a child into a situation of confusion for personal gain
I won't speak your name or of this again
I'm going to leave it alone as you will be in the end
You can't be friends with the wicked
Inherited her genes naturally
For generations this has been their demonstration
Glad I got it clear before I moved into another area of life
Never wanted that in my life as a wife
Gave the benefit of the doubt
So I wont pout
I never had that much invested in your character
Children are soldiers
But the should not be placed at war in their homes
The smile of the jackal deceiving at most
Host of the fury of the future
Who has a history of deceit
She gets no respect anymore
A classic, won't be a house anything
If there is a door she leaving it open as well as her options to get out of it
Personal goals of yours supposed to be better than mine
I'm dreaming and you are a visionary
Nothing to talk about in private, legendary
Mediocrity so nothing major gone
They just traumatizing my seed in their home
But any seed of mine is going to be strong
And no matter what wrong is being done
They can't buy his love
They can't replace his scholarship with fun
So they enroll you in athletics
And they give you second rate education
I was preparing you for greatness
Time will come when they will have too much on their hands
Then you can come here and become a man
No men in your midst to judge from
No backbone in your home
Weak one when you visit her mom
Nothing but a lot of noise and no direction
But I will prepare
One day when the story is told of how they fold over in corners
To bend and pretend so they can get what they want in the end
No church can contain this strain of amoral choral
They think they are beautiful
But the are the ugliest of them all
No admiration for the bed they sleep in
Or the company they keep
Keep one eye open before they poison the other
Still you will discover
Its not even worth the time I put into this poem
Glad that mess is gone and its clear to others what I always knew
There is no limit to what they will take people through
To get what they are trying to do
These are the type of people that need to take classes in person
So they can off the extra curricular to ensure they pass
Nobody rides for free
And nothing is out of the question to make it
If she got it you can take it
If she is getting something in return
Its going to be

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The More I Stand still

Fill the empty mind with worth
Pass the blame to self first
Heed the call for security

Because you are scared to succeed

Inhale the inspiration to breathe easier
I'm transparent and its apparent
That you really don't want to see

You really are not that open to being open

Discussion happens from two willing parties
Mirrors reflect extra caution
My portion double dosed
Forced my hand to close quicker
I've always been anti-nigger

Why are you reading this
What do you want to finally witness
What solution do you think you get by browsing

A curse to your family if you wish me ill
As I grow stronger

The more I stand still

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Reward

I deal in fiction some say because I hope the people can come together

I would like to think of this as a biographical

Because I am writing my legacy

With a reflective pen full of blood and mirrors

Spilling the ink into the psyche and consciousness of the planet

I don’t take counsel in my friends unless they hold integrity to be brutal

The growth from pain equaled out with qualified praise turns the wheel

Personal wounds stay open and unaddressed

Hidden like cuts on my torso

Opening over and over as I move

Seeping into my underwear and not visible to passers by

But I know the sickness that I live through and live by

My remedy is to stay still and watch

Hold myself and others accountable for who we proclaim to be

It is obvious to me

That you really don’t know me

So whoever misled you should be held accountable by you

Not me, for I know who I am fully

I know my deepest intimacies and perversions

I know my alarming thoughts that have become normal to me

Because I have been accustomed to loving my life more than yours

Self preservation can get sadistic to keep off static

I’ve been an addict to the pain and pressure so its hard for me to relax

I’ve made my weaknesses my strength

Just to make sense of it all

But what reward do I enjoy if I end up alone and without you

Without someone that looks like me and understands my nuances

That understands answers to questions like I do

Man how are you doing?

Sister how are you holding on?

Both of them answered emphatically

Please, I’m from the G…

An idiom to an idiot that does not understand that this is infinite

It is the adhesive to our recognition that no one should complain

Especially when we can open our eyes and see that no one cares

Everyone gets as far away from us as possible

As a solution for a better life for them

As if black hard work brings dirty sweat

As if the whole word can selectively forget

How we have made the world better

I remember every time I see a street light

I remember every time I hear “The Real McCoy”

Every time I see a child still smile in situations with the worst neglect

Every human being can respect that we want the best for our children

If there is no bridge then we have to build them

Walk across them daily to show the wear of its use

I’m from a city, in a region in a state of confusion

Where everyone should face the solution

Is reflected daily in the mirror

That as I learn to work progressively with you

I learn to work progressively

With my self

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Until Their Death

I want to speak from a place hidden inside me by formalities
But I have to understand how my words cut and bruise
Plenty of people have ben hurt already and bring it to our introduction
Like little ex-girlfriends waiting for you to say something wrong
So they can catch you in a lie
When in reality
What you say is not a lie
It's just not a truth for you and them

People need winters to remember how cold the world is
How selfish a girl is
And how much responsibility they lay on you when things go wrong
How much credibility they take for keeping the relationship together
Really saying my worth is in security and warmth
If you don't have no money
Then you are a bum
Perform upon request
Or she'll let a rich guy cum
By now you should be numb and stop acting naive
As if you never seen this web weaved
You never felt sticky secretions from a black widows rear
Stay close enough to it and all kinds of things will appear

I have been my own worst enemy
Although I pretend to be my friend
I am at odds with my self now on whether to live or not
Who's winning
Don't worry I already know who you are rooting for
Place your bets
I'll have no regrets when this is done
I am still my fathers son
Born with my mother's aggression
In my hand, a stranger's Smith and Wesson
I already understand the consequences
It's just explaining this to my babies
Explaining how I let shady folk become a part of their life
How my vice past my advice still affects their life
Just how did I choose their mothers
And did their mothers really ever choose me
Am I just making the best of things
Because as strong as I am
I still can't get any understanding

I want to speak from a place hidden inside of me by formalities
But I have to understand how my words cut and bruise
Plenty of people have ben hurt already and bring it to our introduction
Like little ex-girlfriends waiting for you to say something wrong
So they can catch you in a lie
When in reality
What you say is not a lie
It's just not a truth for you and them

Can't people understand that feelings are reckless and haphazard
So I have to stay close to my logic
A heart is so deceitful
And it will have you say forget the math
This has worked somewhere I know
And leave you broken again with nothing to from it to show
You don't just leave the vomit
You clean it up
So depression is your enemies friend
It just slows you down unless you embrace it
Taste it for all of its bitterness
So the scent of success reminds your palate
Its sweeter being happy
But addicts look so happy during the high
As time passes them by
I hug myself when I am alone
And I feel the addicts cry
They want to know why
And why is because suffer the little children do
And then they die

I lost my mind when I found out
Everything we have been taught to believe in
Has been a lie

No one knows where we come from
No one knows where we go in the end
Go get yourself some things you can leave on this earth to your seeds
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind

Life is short if you are having fun
Its long and hard for most
Most people are obsessed
To remember to try and forget

Forget where they made mistakes
Why they have wept
Why they are behind right now
Where they know they should be
So they pray and fellowship faithfully
My faith and prayer are tied into my works
I don't have the strength to call God a jerk
Or to be angry at why all people suffer life until they die
Then they may still suffer on the other side
Unless you are devout to what some man has passed down to you
On this side Riiiight

Why do I see so many that look like me
Under the heel of someone that does not believe in God
I never liked them so I never joined their ranks
And you seem so psychotic when you say you just believe
And you can't explain to me why you believe
And you get angry when I don't agree because you can't explain
Or your explanations require you to use some thing other than your brain
And you refuse to think main...

This is when I really see your pain
And reality sets back in again

This is when I really see your pain
And reality sets back in again

And you focus and try to remember to forget
That you don't know why you believe
It's just a feeling...
Nothing empirical
Life is just a miracle
You don't need any evidence
The devil is a scientist

No one knows where we come from
No one knows where we go in the end
Go get yourself some things you can leave on this earth to your seeds
It will help them think and begin to befriend the wind

Life is short if you are having fun
Its long and hard for most
Most remember to try and forget
Forget where they made mistakes
Why they have wept
They tell me hold my head up
Don't look at the ground

But how else will I watch my steps

I live my life for my self and no one else...
I live my life for my self and no one else...
I live my life for my self and no one else...

Most won't figure this out until their death....

Monday, January 31, 2011

Promise To Be Good

I'm so open to...
Loving you...
But I gotta love me...

Sometimes loving you makes me
Forget about all the things that I need
Love's blind but I need to see

Holding you takes away the pain
But I see I'm falling too hard again
I wanna slow it down but I'm in so deep

I'm so open to...
Loving you...
But I gotta love me...

When we make love I'm so clear
All I wanna feel is you real near
But when you're away is when I fear

The questions that I ask complicate thangs
And I don't know if I want a wedding ring
I hold my breathe and try to protect myself

If I don't look out for me then who will
Wonder did I take the red or blue pill
If you ask me I love you unconditionally

If you promise to be good to me
Then I'll promise to be good to you...

I'm so open to...
Loving you...
But I gotta love me...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Like there is no God in me

People treat me like there is no God in me
Like I don't understand there is no limits to my ability
Like I am supposed to be in submission to them for some reason
Like my voice should not be amplified to make any joyful noise
Like my story is less important than
Or some other story is better than
No, I know I am greater than anyone's expectation
Because I know there is God in me
I know God loves me
And I know God does not want me to fail
So I won't
So I will succeed at everything I do
I will never go into any situation plaguing myself with negativity
That seems to be your job and you may be good at it
But I understand that if I don't take my eyes off my goals
I never have to focus on any obstacles
Most successful people are too busy about the business of success
To call themselves that
They are involved in their work and can't address the haters
They have a SWAG that stands for
Showing Worth And Greatness
Contemplate on this if you can
God manifests himself through the spirit of the woman or man
You don't have to tell me what you believe
Let's just go back 12 months and look at your actions
It will SHOW US what you believe
People lie to people and even themselves all the time
But God knows your intentions
I don't have to be mentioned by a soul
As long as my soul is mentioned when the final roll is called
There are always 3 levels in which you can fight the devil
Your heart, your mouth and your hands
Your compassion, your words and your work
And I won't let anyone taint my memory or my ministry
I've seen the fruits of positivity move and grow in abundance
So I know that its much more than just me
I am a vessel full of velocity and viscosity
And I am open to let God use me and those that see me
To get us where we need to be
Ay - Man
You better wake up and don't just take up space
You remember the look on the elders face
When they would hear
The Lord is blessing me right now
He woke me up this morning
And He started me on my way
There are plenty that are absent
That would like to be here today
That would like to hear me say
There is God in me
I am His reflection
I am not perfect but I strive for perfection
So I practice, and practice and practice
See people do best what they do most
So I win
See its been set and ordained
And I don't own it
We all share in the ability to do and be better
So go out and inspire somebody else
Encourage them to accomplish their goal
There is nothing worse than a dream killer
So we are not going to acknowledge that energy
We are not going to be anywhere we are not wanted
Taunted or disrespected
God put us all here on this planet for a purpose
If you would only believe
People treat me like there is no God in me
Like I don't understand there is no limits to my ability
Like I am supposed to be in submission to them for some reason
Like my voice should not be amplified to make any joyful noise
Like my story is less important than
Or some other story is better than
No, I know I am greater than anyone's expectation
Because I know there is God in me
I know God loves me
And I know God does not want me to fail


Everyday I have something to say
Some days I write it down
Other days I create concepts
But everyday I have something to say

Some days I don't say anything
And in certain situations
That says everything
Pauses fill space for timing

Your legacy is the only thing you can control
There is integrity in a person's poverty
Because it shows there are things they just won't do

Everyday things run through my mind
Some days they go in slow motion
Most of my vision is in 20/20
I would rather be somewhere alone with my family
Watching my children grow
But I need to earn money to live because
It is only free dumb
Everything else costs

Everyday I have something to say
Maybe not to you in general or specific
Everyday I have something to say

Isometric Isolation

No matter what you say people will believe what they want
So I choose not to say anything to any rendition
What some people will do to keep away competition
What some people will do to the weak mind

I find myself in an isometric isolation
For standing by what I believe
For saying that we all have a voice
And we all deserve to be heard

I am use to gossip
It plagues me like taxes
And I know there is nothing you can do about either
See I keep moving and growing
So they always have something to talk about
I united my haters into organization
But their foundation is on sand
Based on fragile emotions and treachery
Now they pay for their homage and lack of loyalty and unity
With empty promises and jaded fronts
Adding to their biggest handicap
An ego with no work behind it
Wherever you find it
Run from it fast as you can

I am the best me I can be at all times, period
I don't want to be you
And you can never be me
Put your pride aside and get an agenda
Keep it and occupy yourself with it
Its unattractive

When the pen hits the paper and we talk about the practical
There is a devision of power
And it has been written
The ability to include and exclude reveals itself to reflect who has it
Rabid is the rhetoric
The respect is in the integrity of the work
The ability to fill empty rooms and minds with ideas and feelings
To want someone to leave better
Especially if the someone is yourself
See the ugliness of love is that when you give it
It does not have to be returned
And going to that point of vulnerability
Only opens you up to be questioned why you loved at all in the first place
People only listen to strangers
If they would have listened to you and your requests
You two would still be together
Now they are grasping for straws
They do not want the truth that they had ample chances and forgiveness
And they chose the result that they have now

Responsibility is a burden that most people do not want to carry
They live in the accolades of warm markets and crowds
When will they learn to not confuse the love of their family
With the delivery of their product
Constant mediocrity is just that
Mumbo jumbo
But the consumer has become infatuated with the less
And become full on a bad diet of garbage
So they no longer can distinguish the toxic and medicinal
So I guess since good is the enemy of great
Your enemies enemy is your friend
And your enemies friends are your enemies
You have to be your own barometer
And reflect what they project on you back to them
They like to dish it out and not receive it
What you put out on the planet you shall receive it
Most folks only say what they heard I said from what somebody else said
And they say they believe it
Unless its something positive about me
Then they say they would have to hear and see that for themselves

We come in and go out alone
So when I am not here physically
I will leave you with work to last for eternity
So you will never be without me
And you will never be lonely
I can be your champion if you let me
I can take on all comers
I saw what happened to Martin and Malcolm
I see how you treat the Chairman
I see how people acclimate to light in adoration
Deifying the flesh without permission

A wise man told me once
When I finally woke up he was sleep
So peep game
The circle has continued

And now I feel the same...

No matter what you say people will believe what they want
So I choose not to say anything to any rendition
What some people will do to keep away competition
What some people will do to the weak mind

I find myself in an isometric isolation
For standing by what I believe
For saying that we all have a voice
And we all deserve to be heard

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Alternative

When the times get hard and you feel hopeless I will believe in you
I will compensate for every deficiency and flaw that you perceive that you have
See you may not feel as if you are perfect
But you are perfect for me
The empty hands that I have need to be filled with your physical
See my mind is already occupied by you and your essence
Our luxury is our engagement
Our participation in us even our perception
I keep saying that you sell yourself too short and you are magnificent
I always am grateful that your father and mother created you
I know we all belong to God but it has to be hard for God to see you released
God has to miss you
See as I kiss you I feel something angelic
It calls my nature to attention
It makes my blood rush in a call to reproduce
In a tribute to you I want to recreate us
And I want to weigh heavy on your heart when we are apart
I want you to seek safety with me
Let me shelter you from even myself when I am not right
Let me reflect the sun rays in your eyes and participate in your happiness
Let's adjust to each other and show the world how to love
I am your alternative, your option lady
You do not have to settle for your less
Here is so much more
So much more of what you deserve
And I am pleased to stay inside of you
And only you
Until your view darkens and rests like the setting sun
With your head against my chest

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Please leave me the f**k alone

I long to be faceless on facebook
Because my space is overcrowded
I no longer want to be linked in
Or tweeted

I want to read a book and let my mind go
I want to remove all the hands pulling on me

The price of success in any measure is your privacy
You open yourself up to the scrutiny of every hypocrite
Saying shit about me that they don't live by
Or things that work for your life that I do not enjoy

I'm sick of coming up with new ideas to feed your seeds
Leaving my seeds at home, alone, longing for me

I'm sick of the reckless emotions of immature people
I really don't fuck with people
So it would be advised that you
Stop fucking with me

I don't kiss ass or suck dick
So if you like it then do it
I am not subservient to any human

Just leave me alone

See I want to be faceless on facebook
Because my space is overcrowded
I no longer want to be linked in
Or tweeted

Now please leave me the fuck alone

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's So Hard For A Soldier

It's So Hard For A Soldier (4x)

It's so hard for a soldier
To server and stay sober
To serve and stay somber
To distinguish the enemies
To fight for freedom
To fight for honor

Your freedom to say you don't need them
I've seen how you treat them
When the world has no need for them

See I've been abandoned
And felt taken for granted
I followed all orders
Went to all borders
Followed every process

The truth they wanted less

A solidier's separated from family
A select few understand me
Holidays I think about something else
I couldn't be there myself
I missed a few funerals
Not a close enough relative

And to me it's all relative

It's So Hard For A Soldier (4x)

Now they want to take over
So you look over your shoulder
Then check in your holster

Remember what they told ya'

It's an issue if it was issued
No need for any tissue
You can't be subjected or subdued

See you're just the soldier
Built to take instruction
A capitalist construction

Built for the world's protection
The enforcement of objections
And an enforcer.

But could you happen to fashion
A little more compassion

I'm not ashamed of what I did
I'm not ashamed of how I lived
I didn't want to die for my flag

Just make my enemy die for his

It's So Hard For A Soldier (4x)