Marquette Beach Gary

Welcome to the Mind of a Poet
Saturday, November 19, 2011
She exists in me
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
D Day 2011
New Lows
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Oxymoronic Pedagogy
Friday, July 29, 2011
People Don't Care
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Afro Blue - Pick My Brain
In I go indigo never ignorant
Indiscriminate anti-indigent ingredient
Militant when muted
Mind unpolluted
So I remember my heart beats
Like a djimbe or Congo
From the horn of Africa
Blown into the rhythmless Americas
On ships i rocked
Made waves
As we paved ways of free men
Forced to be slaves
Escaped and became indian braves
Buffalo soldiers on angel wings
Leaving angel dust
Showing open toed footprints
Walking away from culture
I represent the melanin of many men
Running from the fed and state pen
Where they try to say my kind will be ending
Unless we pretend we don't represent
Where all life begins
At the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro
Follow why they know all of I be related
I be Lucy's blood relative
The Hottenot female with extended rear
That shadowed over her path
Scrutinized by strangers
But Mendel let your secret out
Genes don't get darker
They get lighter
When mixed
They dilute in strength and content
But worse than humanity
It hurts and hits harder
When it affects the mentality
The Black Man Fallacy
My wealth has to be stealth
My health depends on how i resist
And look like I'm conceding
Bleeding you slow until unconscious
I stay conscious
Waiting on my opportunity to strike
In the name of my ancestors
I stay restless
Kum Apem Ah Apem Beba
When you kill millions
Millions more will come
Pamoja Tutashinda
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Portable Solutions
Friday, May 20, 2011
In Search Of...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I better understand lives like yours
You demonstrate a lack of willingness
To accept the individuality of others
Something inside you smothers your humanity
Your humility absent because you don’t feel loved
You were abused – raised in the dark
And my light shines so bright
You frown as so not to drown
In your own inadequacies
You sink deeper into groupthink
You are toughest when you are with others
Alone I exhibit more strength than any group
Decide my own direction until perfection
When you or your group start doing what I do
I must be doing something else
In order to stay fresh – and you need me
Your existence is so gray and archaic
Someone told you that pushing me would hurt me
And it would make you feel better
But all it did was help me become stronger
The longer you harass me
The weaker you become
I become numb to your name-calling
I loose all desire to be around you
Or anyone else like you
I grow a distain for anyone
Or anything that condones your type of behavior
We cannot have the same Savior
My God can never be that abusive
I felt alone everyday
Inside my home I closed the door
And I’d go deeper inside of me
I won’t hide inside of my pride
To stoop to homo or suicide
But don’t push me
You love to say “or what!”
“What are you going to do about it!”
Well, I am going to remain who I am
And gain strength while you
Disappear into nothingness
The older we get the better you used to be
The better I am currently
I will travel this planet and see
That the whole world loves someone like me
I was born with natural leadership qualities
You say you know people
People say they know me
And publically or silently
They always admire my ability to be free
I better understand lives like yours now
You used to chase me home
You and your friends used to make life hard
The older we get the more of you
Are now behind bars
The older we get the less respected
All of you have become
You all used to be so cool
Now you all look so dumb
You made me an outsider
So now of course I’m not here for acceptance
Every time I perform
I am having creative conversations with my Creator
Of which I’ve given you permission to listen
Multifaceted we are – painting pictures
Painting pictures actual or abstract
But always graphic
And I would love for you to love it
But if you don’t I rise above it
See the drama and the trauma that I went through
Makes me never covet any acceptance from you
Through all of life’s complications
I put together bits and pieces of my life as presentations
To the resilience of human manifestations of triumph
Someone you picked on as a nobody
Now I am a GIANT
“I’m 20 feet tall”
And I don’t mess with you at all
But if you mess with me
You’ll soon see my ability
To remove all noise from my life
To find my harmony
Yes I am that little boy from Catholic school
The one you said only had
1 shirt, 1 tie and 1 pair of pants
The one you would not let be
Until I learned that the only one
I could depend on to fight for me
Is me
So Bully
I better understand lives like yours now
So I’ll dedicate this life of mine
To let the children know they are safe
And there are more of their kind than yours
And our job won’t be done
Until the last child tells a bully
You will leave me alone
I am no longer afraid of you
There are people here that understand me
And will protect me if you continue
So I refuse to run!
Look out world here I come!
See I better understand live like yours now
And it’s time
You better understood
To help in assisting in preventing bullying check this website
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It Continues
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Magic Box
Monday, April 18, 2011
Brian Stow
Monday, April 11, 2011
Love As A Breeze
If I had the nerve or the strength to get inside of myself and push
Make me be quiet and listen to the rhythm of the wind
Maybe then I could begin to understand that loosing myself in you
Would be the best destination for my quest to become a new
A different vibration is what love has to be
Through the chaos of the day I should comfort you
If only in thought because distance has no barriers on love
Every hue is magnified inside of it as if we glow together stronger than the sun
Your radiation amplifies as I close my eyes to remember why I feel
It is only necessary to transfer a sense of your being
All tenses, present, past and future reflect the possibility
What you mean to me is more than the atom to life
Less complex than the science behind the molecules of the fear of loosing you
Bonded together in foreverness before the power of we or us can be forgotten
I will transform myself into something powerful and remember
Time shall be obedient to this kiss of eternal magic in tanden as we dream
Of being close and together again in flesh or spirit
Shhhh… there are no words that can define a love Divine
It only caresses the naked body as it moves through space as a breeze
Saturday, April 9, 2011
For Those That Know
Friday, April 8, 2011
Play With Suicide
Going Through My Memories
Thursday, March 31, 2011
When The Present Can Not
Monday, March 21, 2011
X Chromosome
Truth vs Love
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Night Watcher
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Ugliest Of Them All
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The More I Stand still
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What Reward
I deal in fiction some say because I hope the people can come together
I would like to think of this as a biographical
Because I am writing my legacy
With a reflective pen full of blood and mirrors
Spilling the ink into the psyche and consciousness of the planet
I don’t take counsel in my friends unless they hold integrity to be brutal
The growth from pain equaled out with qualified praise turns the wheel
Personal wounds stay open and unaddressed
Hidden like cuts on my torso
Opening over and over as I move
Seeping into my underwear and not visible to passers by
But I know the sickness that I live through and live by
My remedy is to stay still and watch
Hold myself and others accountable for who we proclaim to be
It is obvious to me
That you really don’t know me
So whoever misled you should be held accountable by you
Not me, for I know who I am fully
I know my deepest intimacies and perversions
I know my alarming thoughts that have become normal to me
Because I have been accustomed to loving my life more than yours
Self preservation can get sadistic to keep off static
I’ve been an addict to the pain and pressure so its hard for me to relax
I’ve made my weaknesses my strength
Just to make sense of it all
But what reward do I enjoy if I end up alone and without you
Without someone that looks like me and understands my nuances
That understands answers to questions like I do
Man how are you doing?
Sister how are you holding on?
Both of them answered emphatically
Please, I’m from the G…
An idiom to an idiot that does not understand that this is infinite
It is the adhesive to our recognition that no one should complain
Especially when we can open our eyes and see that no one cares
Everyone gets as far away from us as possible
As a solution for a better life for them
As if black hard work brings dirty sweat
As if the whole word can selectively forget
How we have made the world better
I remember every time I see a street light
I remember every time I hear “The Real McCoy”
Every time I see a child still smile in situations with the worst neglect
Every human being can respect that we want the best for our children
If there is no bridge then we have to build them
Walk across them daily to show the wear of its use
I’m from a city, in a region in a state of confusion
Where everyone should face the solution
Is reflected daily in the mirror
That as I learn to work progressively with you
I learn to work progressively
With my self